(11) Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Motives, Suspects, Discoveries, + Dedicated Citizen Researchers, provided by Donald Roberdeau (page 11 of 14)
C.I.A. Officerw GEORGEw EFTHYRONw JOANNIDES being awarded by the C.I.A.
for his work during the House Select Committee and
its investigation of the President Kennedy--elimination
It was JOANNIDES, who, coincidentally **, just happened to
also be called out of his retirement at the exact same time the C.I.A.
decided it wanted to create and insist upon to the second major JFK
assassination investigation by the United States Congress House
Select Committee in the 1970’s that there be a C.I.A. official to act
as the C.I.A.’s liaison manager-link between the House Select
Committee investigators and the C.I.A. ~ ~ even though (as the
C.I.A. fully-knew when it appointed C.I.A. Officer JOANNIDES)
that when LEE HARVEY OSWALD was alive before JFK’s
assassination-elimination, it was this very same JOANNIDES,
himself, who was an overseer manager of the many C.I.A. active
clandestine operations with its extremely militant, violent anti-CASTRO
group, the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil (a.k.a. the DRE)
that it also, coincidentally, just so happened that LEE HARVEY
OSWALD was reported to be active with. The connections between
JOANNIDES over this violent anti-CASTRO group were never,
first, made known by any persons (including JOANNIDES) within the C.I.A.
to the House Select Committee investigators, and, those connections
between LEE HARVEY OSWALD, the Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil
and JOANNIDES were not learned about until decades later.….….…** “coincidentally” is a transparently-desperate, anxiously-used, weak, attempted-spin catchword by the
Warren Commission-apologists that they choose to lamely words-salad-spew,
along with their anxiously-desperatemistaken
(Conspracy theorist DiEUGENIO has repeatedly
challenged commission-apologist BUGLIOSI to
a simple debate, but, BUGLIOSI has refused
to accept DiEUGENIO’s challenge)
"Is Deception the Best Way to Serve One's Country?"
Connally was both gracious and charming and told us many stories about Texas politics. As the evening wore on and the multiple bourbon and branch waters took their effect, he started talking about November 22, 1963, in Dallas."You know I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from Texas,"Connally said."Lyndon was being a real a**hole about the whole thing and insisted."
Connally's mood darkened as he talked about Dallas. When the bullet hit him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe. He spoke kindly of Jackie Kennedy and said he admired both her bravery and composure.
I had to ask. Did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy?"Absolutely not,"Connally said."I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."So why not speak out?"Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will never speak out publicly about what I believe."
HOOVER hated and had blackmailed the KENNEDY's, and, prior to Dallas,
he KNEW beforehand that the KENNEDY's were going to allow his mandated 1964 retirement,
and he KNEW beforehand that there was a very high probability of President KENNEDY being assassinated.
VIDEO part 1.... part 2
The Billie Sol Estes Documents Implicating Assassination Benefactor, Vice President Lyndon Johnson (1984)
LBJ Henchman Malcolm "Mac" Everette Wallace's Fingerprint Found 11-22-63 in the Dealey Plaza Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, lone-nut "snipers lair"here is the affidavit by Mr. NATHAN DARBY, the professional expert in latent fingerprint identification
. . . . the "Mac" WALLACE fingerprint is also discussed by Mr. DARBY in this short VIDEO. Mr. DARBY is the long time professional expert in latent fingerprint identificationwho matched the Texas School Book Depository sixth floor Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, lone-nut “snipers lair” 11-22-63-unidentified fingerprint to WALLACE‘s previous police fingerprint card after WALLACE’s 1951 arrest (and later conviction) for pre-meditated murder........ WALLACE was convicted of premeditated murder then, incredibly, astonishingly, WALLACE was never imprisoned ---- merely receiving a sentence of only 5 years of probation ---- while LBJ was staying in the town during the trial judged by an LBJ friend........ On 10-22-51 WALLACE had murdered JOHN KINSER, who had, supposedly, asked JOSEFA JOHNSON (the parties-obsessed, promiscuous, bi-sexual sister of LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON and KINSER’s then-lover) if she could arrange for LBJ to "loan" KINSER money because JOSEFA had shared to KINSER about some of LBJ’s many corrupt activities. LBJ interpreted KINSER's request for a "loan" as a blackmail and political career endangering threat.
additional detailed information with respect to the 11-22-63 finding of the WALLACE fingerprint in the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, lone-nut "snipers lair"“Dead Men Talking: An Update” by JAMES DiEUGENIO research article concerning convicted murderer MALCOLM WALLACE, and the 11-22-63 finding of WALLACE’s fingerprint in the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, lone-nut "snipers lair"
"But if they're not, then you have something of a magnitude beyond
common experience that would reflect so devastatingly on our society
as a whole, and its corruptibility, that you don't know how to deal with it"
(Former United States Attorney General (under LBJ), WILLIAM RAMSEY CLARK
concerning if President KENNEDY’s military/government-controlled autopsy
photos and x-rays were 100% genuine, or not. Stated in
CLARK’s 10-12-98 interview by JAMES DOUGLAS)
= Despite that documentary’s test recreator’s having a pre-test, transparent commission-apologists “lone-nut” bias, and, despite their being painstakingly precise in their relative positioning angles, relative heights, and relative facing-postures of its “KENNEDY” and “CONNALLY” dummy’s painstakingly anatomically-correct torso’s (each complete with the recreated and correctly located inner-body dense skeletal bones, organs, and muscles), and, despite their having their “lone-nut” “snipers lair” location recreated at the correct height and relative angles, and, despite their fired test bullet that entered the “KENNEDY” back at the Warren Commission-apologists correct trajectory angle and entered at nearly the same Warren Commission-apologists KENNEDY back wound entry point, this “recreated” bullet widely missed its followup Warren Commission lone-nut-apologists “magic-bullet” trajectory path through KENNEDY (a red-colored trajectory path that the “Discovery Channel” producers/editors, themselves, chose to edit-in for only about 1-second). . . . As clearly seen, the “Discovery Channel”Warren Commission-apologists“recreated” bullet, instead, exited the “KENNEDY” front from a chest point many critical inches belowandaway from the 11-22-63 autopsy-documented actual KENNEDY throat front wound’s precise location, very close to his ‘Adam’s apple’....
.: Therefore, that Warren Commission-apologists failed “recreated” bullet also missed badly, because it also didnotenter “CONNALLY” close to/at the edge of his right armpit (the “recreated” bullet hit “CONNALLY” many inches below the real CONNALLY’s right armpit). Importantly, this Warren Commission-apologists attempted bullet also failed to recreate 6 of the 7 total, actual, exterior wounds locations on both men, and it failed to recreate the additional real damages that were also documented to have been caused inside the real President KENNEDY and CONNALLY.…Tellingly, even though the actual bullet path and bullet-damaged bones were widely missed, this Warren Commission-apologists failed “recreated” bullet wasnoticeably more damaged than the actual “magic-bullet," even though as can be clearly seen in the video their failed “recreated” bulletneverentered nor exited the “CONNALLY” back and front at the correct locations, it neverentered the “CONNALLY” wrist at the correct location, itneverstruck the “CONNALLY“ very thick, end-of-the-wrist bone location (the real CONNALLY wrist bone end was shattered into 7 or 8 smaller pieces), and the Warren Commission-apologists failed “recreated” bulletneverentered the “CONNALLY” left thigh.
JAMES JENKINS' RECOLLECTIONS OF JFK'S BACK WOUND ARE INCONSISTENT WITH THE SINGLE BULLET THEORY: Jim Jenkins recalled a very shallow back wound in JFK's upper posterior thorax, that did not transit the body. He recalled Dr. Humes sticking his finger in the wound, and seeing Dr. Humes' finger making an indentation in the intact pleura as he viewed Humes' probing from the other side, where the right lung would have been before its removal. The pleura was intact. Jenkins also recalled seeing a bruise at the top of the middle lobe of the right lung (but not at the top, or apex of the right lung). Jenkins also recalled that the back wound was 10 centimeters lower than the tracheotomy site in the anterior neck.
(JFK Autopsy Witness James Curtis Jenkins Revelations at the 2013 JFK Lancer Conference Confirm a Massive Medical Cover-up in 1963)
MICHAEL GRIFFITH website of outstanding research studies, “REAL ISSUES: JFK Assassination Web Page”
MICHAEL GRIFFITH outstanding research study, "The Shifting Sands of the Single-bullet Theory"
MICHAEL GRIFFITH outstanding research study, "The Suspicious 6.5 mm Fragment" . . . . Key considerations of the nearly round, conveniently-sized 6.5 millimeter bullet fragment “found” years later to be on X-rays at the back of President KENNEDY’s head....
.... A 6.5 millimeter bullet fragment that as the 2165 feet-per-second streaking, non-frangible bullet was still entering the skull, that 6.5 millimeter bullet fragment, supposedly, sheared-off and away from the main bullet, then, that nearly round, 2165 feet-per-second streaking bullet fragment supposedly embedded itself only on the outside of the President’s skull, approximately 80-plus millimeters above the Warren Commission’s substantially lower rear head bullet entrance point....
.... Additionally, this 6.5 millimeter bullet fragment was located 100 millimeters anatomically below the HSCA bullet entry point of a 2165 feet-per-second, supposedly, full-metal jacket, non-frangible bullet .... a head-striking bullet that broke apart into, at least, 6 pieces (unlike its cousin bullet -- the minorly deformed, nearly-pristine “single-bullet-theory” “magic-bullet”)....
.... Additionally, the HSCA bullet entry point was revised by the HSCA to be 4 inches (100-plus millimeters) higher than the Warren Commission entrance point....
.... Additionally, after the full metal jacket, supposedly, sheared-off the 6.5-millimeter round piece, what then remained of that bullet continued forward through the soft brain tissue, then, broke apart into, at least, 6 sizable pieces seen on the X-ray's along with a multitude of dust-like very small particles ~ unlike its “cousin” 6.5-millimeter bullet ~ the minorly deformed, nearly-pristine, “magic bullet” that did not break into any major, separate pieces, even though the “magic bullet,” supposedly, struck two bones that are much thicker and much denser than the shell of the skull)....
.... Additionally, the Bethesda military autopsy doctors testified that when they scrutinized the President's X-rays on the night of 11-22-63 they never saw on those X-rays ---- nor did they see anywhere on nor in the President’s head ---- that nearly round, blatantly obvious, conveniently-sized 6.5 millimeter bullet fragment, even though there were several much, much smaller bullet pieces that they did see on the X-rays, and then they retrieved those pieces.
MICHAEL GRIFFITH outstanding research study with regard to commission exhibit CE-543, "The Dented Bullet Shell: Hard Evidence of Conspiracy”
The third cartridge case, Warren Commission exhibit 543, contained
a dent in the opening so large that it did not hold a bullet in it. . . .
In a letter to the Warren Commission of 2 June 1964, J. Edgar
Hoover noted that Commission Exhibit 543 (FBI Number C6),
the case with the dent, had "three sets of marks on the base of
this cartridge case which were not found [on the other casings]."
The case, according to Hoover, had also been loaded into and
extracted from a weapon three times. The only marks linking
the case to Oswald's rifle were marks from the magazine
follower. As noted above, Case 543 could not have obtained
the marks from the magazine follower on 22 November, since
the last round in the clip must have been the unfired one in the
chamber. Furthermore, Commission Exhibit 543 lacks the
characteristic indentation on the side made by the firing chamber
of Oswald's rifle.
Dr. E. Forrest Chapman, forensic pathologist, who in 1973 was
given access to the assassination materials in the National
Archives, noted that Case 543 was probably "dry loaded" into a
rifle. Since the dent was too large for the case to have contained
a bullet on 22 November, it was never fired from Oswald's rifle.
The empty case, however, for some unknown reason cold have
been loaded into a rifle, the trigger pulled, and the bolt operated.
Dr. Chapman discovered this phenomenon through experiments
of his own.
Dr. Chapman also noted that Case 543 had a deeper and more
concave indentation on its base, at the primer, where the firing
pin strikes the case. Only empty cases exhibit such
characteristics. The F.B.I. also reproduced the effect.
Commission Exhibit 557 is a test cartridge case, fired empty
from Oswald's rifle by the F.B.I. for ballistics comparison
purposes. It, too, contains the dent in the lip and deep primer
impression similar to Case 543.
Thus, the evidence proves conclusively that Commission Exhibit
543 could not have been fired from Oswald's rifle.
(Dr. MICHAEL KURTZ, in his book, “Crime of the Century” 1982 first edition, pages 50-51)
“ The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is for war.
The authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers,
and Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War in his second term.
He wanted to call off the moon race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets.
He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing.
He refused to invade Cuba in 1962, and, he set out to withdraw from Vietnam....
.... but, all of that ended on the 22nd of November, 1963. ” . . . .(also known as a Coup d'État)
(DONALD SUTHERLAND, “J F K” 1991 . . . . part 1 and part 2)
"J F K" film (1991), "Colonel X" (DONALD SUTHERLAND) details the JFK assassination blended conspirators of blended multiple motives in back-to-back part 1 and part 2 that is, most likely, closer to The Truth than the fictions of the Warren Commission report-canard and fictional spins by the only 15 to 25 %, small minority, of Warren Commission-apologists who, despite trying desperately, have failed to prevent The People from actually understanding the assassintion. Some Warren Commission-apologists inside that ever-dwindling 15 to 25 % have stated (with their sometimes ever-transparent, often-arrogant, elitist, juvenile, smug, snarky, angry attitudes during their attempted evidence-spins) their personal o-pine that they believe the Warren Commission-apologists are smarter than the consistent 75 to 85 % clear majority of The People who have determined there was a conspiracy during all of the nearly 50 years since Dallas.
While still in production, before this Academy Award winning film was even finished filming (let alone screened for anyone before it first publicly premiered), it was these same, desperate, Warren Commission lone-nut-apologists and media-elitists who attacked the film in juvenile tirades -- without their ever even seeing it.
(the film’s documented references are also provided and detailed in the book, “J F K: The Book of the Film”)
After the film premiered, The People's public outrage and Our requests and demands for the federal government ~ Our government ~ to release the still-government-hidden files, led directly to the formation of the Assassination Records Review Board ("ARRB") and its laws.
Per the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 laws, unless the washDC agencies that are still withholding documents appeal to, only, the U.S. President that a file should remain withheld, AND, unless the President then determines to continue withholding the appealed file, ANY and ALL files determined by the ARRB to be assassination related will be released to and for The People by 10-26-17.
"Colonel X" is based on the real life experiences of United States Air Force Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, who has stated that "General Y" was the liaison between the C.I.A. and the Air Force, who was also a Psychological Warfare Operations Specialist, and the leader of the C.I.A.’s anti-Castro OPERATION MONGOOSE, General Edward Geary Lansdale (Garrison never met with Prouty in washDC)Exactly what were the motive(s) to eliminate President Kennedy?
Who and/or what group(s) received benefit$ and/or benefits after his elimination? . . . . Cui bono?
Who and/or what group(s) controlled the evidence afterwards?
(and Why did they control the evidence?)
Who and/or what group(s) had the power that controlled and
kept the key, most important details about President Kennedy’s
murder-elimination covered-up?(and Why did they cover-up?)
As of 2012, after 49 years, approximately 3 % of the Warren Commission files, 21 % of the files generated during the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and immeasurable quantities of C.I.A. files pages (estimated at 1-million or more C.I.A. pages), along with files and documents of the F.B.I., National Security Agency, Secret Service, Defense Investigative Service, Navy Investigative Service, etc., etc., are still kept in secret, and not(yet) made publicly available for The People.
-- Mandated in federal laws of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 passed by Republican President Bush, all existing files and documents that were determined by the 1990s Assassination Records and Review Board to be President Kennedy assassination related must be made publicly available for The People by October 26, 2017.
-- Under his administration in 1979, Democrat President Carter ordered the 50 years sealing of all of his HSCA assassination related files and documents until the year 2029, when Carter tried to prevent Our People from reading any of his 1976-78 assassination “investigation” files.
-- Under his administration in 1964, Democrat President Johnson originally ordered the 75 years sealing of all original assassination related files and documents until the year 2039, when LBJ tried to prevent The People from reading any of his Warren Commission assassination “investigation” files.
"When it came to this [reporting on the JFK assassination], the working press was a lobster in a trap. Back then, what government said was the news . . . . In the 1950’s and early '60s, the official view of reality was the agenda for the Washington press corps . . . . I think it is quite revealing that it's Oliver Stone that's forcing Congress to open up the files and not The Washington Post, The New York Times, or CBS."
Always Remember.... the choice of ACTIONS, or, the choice of in-actions, speaks Much Louder than mere words, (or lies) -- “intentions” and “ideals” are never enough.
"If you want to get ‘even’ with someone, start first with the Ones who have been Good to You."Talmudic Wisdom
“Puhl-leeeease .... Everyone knows the kill-shot
came from the Dal-Tex Building."
(CYNTHIA ADDAI-ROBINSON, "Shooter", tv episode "The Man Called Noon" 2017)
“ No sniper sticks his rifle out of a window. They
shoot from cover;hidden,backintheroom. ”
(Michael Peña, "Shooter" 2007)
= this is, precisely, one of the strategic MILitary OPerational reasons why in the
Dealey Plaza photo # 6 snapped by IKE ALTGENS simultaneous
with ZAPRUDER frame 255during the heart of the
assassination shots, the person that is
seen in the Dal-Tex Building
west face, second floor
open window wasNOTa sniper
.... and ....
.... and ....
LEVON HELM as “Mr. Rate” in the 2007 film, “Shooter” . . . . “The world ain’t what it seems, is it Gunny?” ....scene VIDEO hereMr. Rate: That's how a conspiracy works.
Them boys on the grassy knoll,they weredeadwithin three hours!
Buried in the damned desert:
Unmarked graves, out past Terlingua!Nick Memphis: You know this for a fact?Mr. Rate: *Still* got the shovel !
.... and ....
“For the record, I don’t like the way this turned-out any more
than you do. This is the world we live in, and, Justice does
not always prevail; it’s not the wild west where you can
clean-up the streets with a gun, even though, sometimes, that
is, exactly, what is needed.”(the United States Attorney General, in an “I will look the other way,” very
suggestive voice to MARK WAHLBERG, “Shooter” film, 2007)
“They’ve all got that 'witness for the prosecution look’ to me. Probably some major federal indictment of somebody, who, majorly, does not want to get indicted.”
(TOM CRUISE, the assassin, speaking about the people he has been hired to murder, “Collateral” 2004)
“ . . . and a lot of things can happen todog shit...”
“That's right, I did - I killed him. He f**ked up one too many times, so I put a
bullet in his eye. Then, I put two more into him just to make sure.
Now, that was somebody I loved -- I lov - v - v - v - v - ed him!....
.... But, when I got the call, I put him down like a sick animal.
So, if you've got doubts about what's gonna’ happen if
you don't deliver, let me tell you something - I'll make *gravy*
out of your little girl just to season that black Irish c**ksucker's meat!
You do what you're supposed to do, young man. You do it now!”
(CHRISTOPHER WALKEN in“Nick of Time,” 1995, while blackmailing JOHNNY DEPP into assassinating the governor of California)
. . . . and . . . .
“A bleeding heart makes a very big target, Governor.”
(PETER STRAUSS, “Nick of Time” 1995)
CLINT EASTWOOD, directly to 3 punks, “Gran Torino” 2008)
“Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while
you shouldn't have f**ked with? ....
.... That’sme.”
. . . . and . . . .
(when the priest asks CLINT what he is going to do in response to his next-door friend
being raped and her Family's home being criminally machine-gunned by gang-punks)
“I don’t know - I’ll think of something . . . . . . .
but, whatever it is, they won’t have a chance.” ‘‘The devil’s hands have been busy.’’
(CHRISTIAN BALE, “Terminator Salvation," 2009)
“And it's not from random terrorists, but from covert alliances of disaffected nations who've all been made bold by this kind of Jordan one-worlder who believes that human beings are essentially good and that our powers are somehow, I don't know, shameful or evil and never to be used. Make no mistake. The American people are terrified. They know something's coming. They can feel it. And we can either shovel them the same old shit and call it sugar or we can arm them. We can arm them with a young, vibrant Vice President. We can give them heat, energy! Give them a war hero with heart, forged by enemy fire in the desert in the dark when American lives hung on the balance!”
(MERYL STREEP, “The Manchurian Candidate” [re-make] 2004)
“You know, for years now I've listened to all these idiots on bar stools
with their pet theories on Dallas. . . . How it was the Cubans, or
the C.I.A., or the white supremacists, or the mob, or,
about whether there was one weapon, or
whether there was five.
None of that's meant much to me; but Leary, he questioned
whether I had the guts to take that fatal bullet . . . .
. . . . God, that was a beautiful day . . . . ”**** He blinks rapidly several times, as if he is visualizing
and allowing himself to accept and quickly sort through
the far-too-long-pushed-back sudden flood of his memories
and emotions from Dallas on 11-22-63...… Now, with his
voice, for an instant, cracking slightly from his decades
of self-ridden-guilt and his ever-tormenting sadness when
he was alone, he steadily looks forward and tries to
re-start .... re-gathering himself .... determined to start to
share it all with the completely understanding woman
here, close at his side that he is now in love with, who
also understands their same careers Secret Service
Agents responsibilities and dangers ****.... “Sun was out .... Been raining all morning .... The air was....
First shot, sounded like a firecracker .... I looked over
and saw him .... I .... I could tell he was hit .................
I don’t know why I didn’t react .... I should have reacted;
I should have been running *flat-out.* Just couldn’t believe
it .... .... If only I reacted, I coulda’ taken that shot .... That
would have been alright with me.”
(CLINT EASTWOOD, “In the Line of Fire” 1993, in his homage to CLINT
HILL, the actual U.S. Secret Service Agent in the Dealey Plaza kill zone
. . . . see CLINT HILL’s 12-8-75 “60 Minutes” interview segment that starts precisely
6 minutes and 12 seconds into the short VIDEO provided here)
. . . . and . . . .
(CLINT on the phone to JOHN MALKOVICH, the self-proclaimed, potential “lone-nut” assassin)
“What do you see when you’re in the dark, and the demons come?”
(CLINT EASTWOOD, “In the Line of Fire” 1993 ....the making of the film part 1, and part 2)
“ From one of your un-named senior White House officials ---- ‘senior White House son-of-a-b**ch’, I should have said ---- who got in there by stirring up these people, one against the other. It never fails to amaze me what a man will do to get into the Oval Office. ”
(HUME CRONYN, “The Pelican Brief” 1993)
“Truth often presents a threat to ‘power’ .”
“ Everybody pays me. ”
(TOMMY LEE JONES, the hired assassin, “The Package” 1989)
John F. Kennedy gives a speech to a Harvard University class . . . .“History records many facts: some of them right, some of them
But let the record show, that in any age - good or bad - there are
men of high ideals.
Men of courage!
Men who do more than that for which they are called upon!
You will not always know their names, but let their deeds stand
as monuments, so that when the human race is called to
judgment, we may say, ‘This too was humanity!’ ”(ANDREW ROBINSON, "The Twilight Zone" 1985 TV series, episode: “Profile in Silver; Button, Button” )
“I don't interest myself in 'why'; I think more often in terms of 'when,' sometimes 'where,' always 'how much'.”
(MAX VON SYDOW (the mastermind of the assassins) to ROBERT REDFORD, “Three Days of the Condor” 1975)
“Boy, what is it with you people? You think not getting caught in a lie is the same thing as telling the truth?”
(ROBERT REDFORD to CLIFF ROBERTSON, “Three Days of the Condor” 1975)
" The complacent, the self-indulgent, the soft societies are about to be swept away with the debris of history.
Only the strong, only the industrious, only the determined, only the courageous, only the visionary who determine the real nature of our struggle can possibly survive. "
(President JOHN F. KENNEDY, Address to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4-20-61)
The Gunsmith: Over what range will you fire?
The Jackal: I'm not sure yet but probably not more than 400 feet.
The Gunsmith: Will the gentleman be moving?
The Jackal: Stationary.
The Gunsmith: Will you go for a head shot or a chest shot?
The Jackal: Probably head.
The Gunsmith: What about the chance of a second shot?
The Jackal: Well I might get the chance but I doubt it. In any event I'll need a silencer to escape.
The Gunsmith: In that case you'd better have explosive bullets. I can prepare a handful along with the gun.
The Jackal: Glycerin or mercury?
The Gunsmith: Oh mercury... much cleaner.
(the assassin, EDWARD FOX, to the gunsmith, CYRIL CUSAK.... "The Day of the Jackal" 1973)
“In the three years after the murders of John F. Kennedy
and Lee Harvey Oswald, eighteen material witnesses died:
6 by gunfire,
3 by motor accidents,
2 by suicide,
1 by a cut throat,
1 by a karate chop to the neck,
3 by heart attacks,
2 from natural causes.
An actuary engaged by the ‘London Sunday Times‘
concluded: ‘On November 22, 1963, the odds of all
these witnesses being dead by February 1967 areone--hundred--thousand--Trillion ,
one.’ ”
(narrator providing the actual w 100,000,000,000,000,000w to w 1scientifically determined odds at the end of the film, “Executive Action," 1973)
Michael Corleone: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams: Do you know how naïve you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed.
Michael Corleone:Oh .... Who's being naïve, Kay?
(AL PACINO and DIANE KEATON, “The Godfather” 1972)
Tom Hagen: It would be like trying to kill the president;
there's no way we can get to him.Michael Corleone: Tom, you know you surprise me; If
anything in this life is certain - if history has taught us
anything - it's that you can kill anybody.
(AL PACINO and ROBERT DUVALL, “The Godfather: Part II” 1974)
“And if you want to talk about your oath of office, I'm here to tell you face to face, President
Lyman, that you violated that oath when you stripped this country of its muscles - when you
deliberately played upon the fear and fatigue of the people and told them they could remove
that fear by the stroke of a pen. And then when this nation rejected you, lost faith in you, and
began militantly to oppose you, you violated that oath by not resigning from office and turning
the country over to someone who could represent the people of the United States.”
.... and ....
“I think the signing of a nuclear disarmament pact with the Soviet Union is at best an act of naiveté,
and at worst an unsupportable negligence. We've stayed alive because we've built up an arsenal,
and we've kept the peace because we've dealt with an enemy who knew we would use that
arsenal. And now we're asked to believe that a piece of paper will take the place of missile sites
and Polaris submarines, and that an enemy who hasn't honored one solemn treaty in the history
of its existence will now, for our convenience, do precisely that. I have strong doubts, gentlemen.”
(BURT LANCASTER to the president, “Seven Days in May” 1964)
"His brain has not only been washed; as they say, it has been 'dry-cleaned'."
(KHIGH DHIEGH, “The Manchurian Candidate” 1962)
“My dear girl, have you ever noticed that the human race
is divided into two distinct and irreconcilable groups:
those that walk into rooms and automatically turn
television sets on, and those that walk into rooms and
automatically turn them off.”
(LAURENCE HARVEY, “The Manchurian Candidate” 1962)
C.I.A. Domestic Contact Agent and New Orleans based
international businessman CLAY LaVERGNE SHAW
GIL JESUS short video documentary about the JAMES GARRISON investigation, grand jury indictment, preliminary trial 3-judges hearing, and the criminal trial of CLAY LAVERGNE SHAW, a man later-admitted by the C.I.A. that he was one of the C.I.A.’s many Domestic Contact Agents . . . . part 1.... part 2.... part 3.... part 4
When polled afterwards, the CLAY SHAW trial jurors stated there was not enough evidence presented at the time to link SHAW to the conspiracy. . . . Additionally, after hearing the evidence presented up to that point in time (1969), the same trial jurors also stated that there was a conspiracy that killed President KENNEDY.
In 1975, VICTOR MARCHETTI, former Executive Assistant to the C.I.A.'s Deputy Director, stated that during several high level C.I.A. meetings that happened during SHAW's indictment and trial, C.I.A. Director RICHARD HELMS disclosed that CLAY SHAW and DAVID FERRIE had worked for the C.I.A.
HELMS also asked his C.I.A. underlings to make sure that SHAW received C.I.A. help for his trial.JEFFERSON MORLEY, Investigative Journalist research study aboutwhat C.I.A. Projects Officer Jane Roman said about Oswald, the C.I.A., and the assassinationDr. GROVER PROCTOR JR. outstanding research website, "The JFK Assassination" .... Here is Dr. PROCTOR's excellent 2014 video presentation about one of OSWALD's phone calls he made very late Saturday night, 11-23-63, from Dallas police custody wanting to speak with someone in Raleigh, North Carolina, "The Raleigh Call and the Fingerprints of Intelligence" (51m) .... Here is Dr. PROCTOR's research article further detailing the OSWALD-to-Raleigh phone call, "The Raleigh Call and the Fingerprints of Intelligence"
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or
the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past.
Let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
(President JOHN F. KENNEDY)
“Show me your friends, and I will show you your future.”
"To be courageous requires no exceptional qualifications. It is
an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all."
(Senator JOHN F. KENNEDY, "Profiles in Courage" 1955)
“Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. These people attracted and promoted each other. Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and I loved being in it. . . Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie, and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton slowly sipped his tea and then said, ‘I guess I will see them there, soon.’ ”
(JAMES JESUS ANGLETON, C.I.A. Counter-Intelligence Chief, Retired, 1985)
“James Jesus Angleton, and the Kennedy Assassination”Part I, and Part II
by Lisa Pease
The Billie Sol Estes Documents (1984) Implicating the Assassination Benefactor Vice President Lyndon Johnson in the murders of President Kennedy and several other personsCLIFFORD SPIEGELMAN, WILLIAM TOBIN, WILLIAM JAMES, SIMON SHEATHER, STUART WEXLER, MAX ROUNDHILL peers reviewed research study, "Chemical and Forensic Analysis of JFK Assassination Bullet Lots: Is a Second Shooter Possible?""A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood
of ideas in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."
(President KENNEDY)
"Report of the Committee on Ballistic Acoustics" (1982)“If possible, professional criminals will be hired to carry out specific selective‘jobs’.”
("Clandestine Operations Manual for Central America" ....the 1984 training manual written by the C.I.A., in
which use of the term ‘jobs’, really stood for ‘assassinations’)
"I'm not satisfied when I see men like Jimmy Hoffa, in charge of
the largest union in the United States, still free."
(JOHN F. KENNEDY, Senator & Presidential candidate, during the first 1960 Presidential
election debate broadcast nationally on TV & radio, 9-26-60, Chicago, IL)
GEORGE MICHAEL EVICA research study, "Perfect Cover"“Sometime in the early fifties .... assassination became an instrument of U.S. national policy. It also became an important branch of our invisible government, a sizable business, and a separate technology involving weapons and devices the ordinary taxpayer paid billions for but was never permitted to see, except perhaps in the Technicolor fantasies of James Bond flicks.”
(ANDREW ST. GEORGE, a journalist for “LIFE magazine”, quoted by Senate and criminal investigator
and JFK-elimination researcher, GAETON FONZI, in his outstanding book, “The Last Investigation”)
(1979) United States House Select Committee on the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin L. King -- President Carter sealed away the documents and files from being available for Our People for 50 years