March 6, 1975

(9) Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Motives, Suspects, Discoveries, + Dedicated Citizen Researchers, provided by Donald Roberdeau (page 9 of 14)

C.I.A. official manual, written in 1953
click the manual or here to read


What the eyes see, and the ears hear, the mind believes."

(JOHN TRAVOLTA, “Swordfish” 2001)

Texas School Book Depository (left), located right next door and very close to the Dal-Tex Building (right)
10-24-08 photo....all trees heights and widths were much smaller on 11-22-63

" Well, to me, it sounded high and I immediately
kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came
from the building,
either, right in front of me, or,
of the one across to the right of it. "

MARRION LEWIS BAKER, an 11-22-63 Dallas police murder-cade motorcycle
escort man witness, another very close witness, and another of the many weapon's experienced
assassination witnesses who was also an experienced hunter (who had also been on a hunting trip for
the entire week prior to the assassination shooting rifles)
, describing for the very first time
in his Warren Commission testimony the gunfire source from where an assassin(s)
did fire the first audible muzzle blast, or, the first "silenced," mechanically suppressed-
fired bullet bow shock N-wave crack sound that he remembered hearing
(or could hear), as he closer and closer
neared the Depository to his front-left, and
the Dal-Tex Building to his front-right........

(BAKER was originally scheduled to escort next to JFK at the presidential limousine, but
5 to 10 minutes before the
murder-cade departed Love Field, he and another
motorcycle escort were suddenly removed from next to the limousine, and
ordered to be much further back and away from JFK

.... Shortly after BAKER commission-testified with respect to his hearing the first blast or shock N-wave crack sound that he remembered hearing (or could hear) that was fired from the Depository or the Dal-Tex Building, the Warren Commission commissioner's and lawyers, suddenly, ceased recording his testimony. They then went quickly “off-the-record” for private (anxious?) “discussions” among themselves .... During BAKER’s testimony (as with many key witnesses whose testimonies also indicated the conspiracy) there were many such Warren Commission “off-the-record,” sudden, private, anxious, commissioner's-with-their-lawyers gatherings.

..... Additionally,
BAKER very interestingly also commission-testified that a mere 5 to 10 minutes before the murder-cade departed Love Field, that he and his fellow murder-cade motorcycle escort driving partner were both, suddenly, ordered (by whom?) to change from their murder-cade security location's riding next to each other that was originally planned days ago and had already been Love Field staged and lined-up in order...... Now they were told to be further away from their both protectively, closely riding right next to the presidential limousine, to their much different spot - further back in the murder-cade (as were also the national media reporters and their film and photographers) - much further away from JFK.......

With respect to the Dal-Tex Building, a.k.a. the “Dallas Textile Building," .... a convicted
Mafia felon, Jim Braden, (a.k.a. "Jim Brading”) ------ who suddenly decided
to change his name a couple months before the assassination ------
was soon arrested by the police, after he was witnessed and
reported acting suspiciously inside its third floor. (Braden
may not have been a shooter, but, he still might have
been involved executing another function(s))

The Dal-Tex Building is located directly across the street from the
lower-in-roof-height Texas School Book Depository.

It is very interesting to see that a man or woman assassin
firing from behind the President from the Dal-Tex
west face roof line, or firing from inside one
of its high floor open windows
....of which there is no record the Dal-Tex
was ever methodically searched despite Mafioso Braden’s acting
suspiciously and his arrest . . . . that in a controlled MILitary OPeration
. . . . a MILOP . . . . this plan would carefully and deliberately
pre-select a key Dal-Tex roof line west face very precise location point
whereby any-and-all bullet trajectory(ies) would pass very, very close to
the Depository Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut"
"snipers lair”
window bullet trajectories . . . . nearly precisely duplicating

.... “close enough for ‘government work’, and 1963 ancient forensic technologies....

. . . . the very same vertical, horizontal, and lateral bullet angle
trajectories into and through President Kennedy for the military-controlled
medical autopsy that would, inevitably, be known and planned-for well
ahead of time that must follow the assassination.

Just as importantly, a carefully and deliberately pre-selected key Dal-Tex
roof line west face very precise location point would very precisely
duplicate . . . .

.... “close enough for ‘government work’, and 1963 ancient forensic technologies....

. . . . the very same upper, right rear gunfire audible
location source as the very close Depository
Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-
nut" "snipers lair”

The Dealey Plaza map and photos confirm that with an assassin
firing from the Dal-Tex west face roof line at President Kennedy’s
Z-313 Elm Street location, his/her bullet would have passed very, very
close to the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers
with a measurable, very close, near matching difference horizontally to the, supposed,
“lone-nut” “snipers lair”
a near matching 3 to 5 degrees.... and at Z-223 a very close, near
matching 6 to 8 degrees.

click the frame to expand it into a larger, sharper, follow-up window

click the frame to expand it into a larger, sharper, follow-up window

The Dealey Plaza map above and here details
how very close the Depository Building is to the Dal-Tex
and details theoretically timed bullet
trajectories impacting at Z-223 and Z-313, showing how
very close the vertical, horizontal, and lateral bullet
trajectories fired from the Dal-Tex are nearly perfectly
duplicated . . . .

.... “close enough for ‘government work’, and 1963 ancient forensic technologies....

.... for the well-planned-ahead-for, civilians-control-military, then
military-performed, inevitable, known-would-be-mandatory autopsy,
and as importantly, nearly perfectly duplicated the Depository-like
very close gunfire audible source. In fact, there are on the record
known close witnesses who stated that they were attracted to and did
initially react by looking towards gunfire fired from a Dal-Tex
elevated gunfire source.... and, there are witnesses who
stated they were attracted to an elevated gunfire source from the
Depository.... and there are a significant percentage of witnesses who
also did state and testify that they were attracted to gunfire fired from
level with their ears,
from the distinctly separate grassy knoll.

Interestingly, watch from minutes 33 to 40 and 46 to 50
within the 2009 film “The International”
that visually details
what could have been the same simple operational plan on 11-22-63
of the Dal-Tex Building roof line fired bullet that strategically,
near perfectly, forensically, and ballistically duplicated a Depository,
supposed, “lone-nut” “snipers lair” bullet trajectory....
(the Kennedy assassination "investigations and documentaries
are very transparently afraid to show The People....
and, once shown, therefore implant in the consciousness of The
People.... how very close the Dal-Tex Building bullet trajectory(s)
actually come to matching the Depository, so, they have never
shown a sniper’s targeting view from the Dal-Tex roof line)

Despite Mafioso Braden-Brading's arrest within minutes for acting suspiciously
while he was witnessed lingering inside floors of the Dal-Tex Building, his
former name and the criminal records of his dozens of felony arrests and
were (later claimed) not 11-22-63 discovered by the police....
so....he was soon let go by some official or some officials inside the Dallas

**** NOTE **** In 1952 Mafioso Braden-Brading had been personally
arrested in Dallas by Bill Decker -- the future 11-22-63 Dallas Sheriff....

**** NOTE **** In the realm of, “What ARE the astronomical odds?” .... when Robert Kennedy was assassinated nearly 5 years later, Los Angeles police soon discovered that the very same Braden-Brading was, co-ink-a-dent-ally, also residing very close by: less than 3 miles from the “Ambassador Hotel” that RFK was also assassinated inside of....

During the HSCA investigation of the President Kennedy assassination,
former C.I.A. Finance Officer JAMES WILCOTT testified that he had
learned that former U.S. Marine
had been paid by the C.I.A.
while OSWALD had been
ordered stationed and served at the Top Secret airbase
in Atsugi, Japan for the C.I.A.-run U-2 jets overflight
surveillance missions covering Communist Russia
and Communist China.

“Three shots were heard
and the President fell forward
bleeding from the head.”

(Warren Commission report, page 539)

. . . . with the initial bullet impact
into and through President KENNEDY’s
tilted face-forward and down, limo-leftward facing, leftward tilted head....

. . . . First . . . .

. . . . his head was accelerated forward 1” to 2” and was ripped open, and
nearly simultaneously exploded blood, skull fragments, and brain matter
gore that ejected forward, backward, upward, downward, rightward, & leftward
. . . .

. . . . Then . . . .

. . . . After . . . . a micro-second of a pause . . . .

. . . . his head, his shoulders, his arms, his hands, and, in fact, the President's entire upper torso of his 178-pound body, were all rapidly accelerated at a constant speed upward and reversed, wback-and-to-his-leftw (and importantly, also overcoming the forward speed of the limousine, and overcoming the magnified even more-forward speed of inertia caused when the driver quickly stepped on the brake just before the already leaning forward and seatbelt-less President’s head exploded). Then, his head was rotated even further leftward, until his entire upper torso of his body was slammed into, then bounced off, the seat backrest vertical cushion.

"The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy."

(1979 United States House Select Committee on the Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Martin L. King Final Report)
((a.k.a. the “HSCA”))

"The commission has found no evidence that either Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby was part of any conspiracy, domestic or foreign, to assassinate President Kennedy."

(1964 United States President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy Report,)
((a.k.a. the “Warren Commission”))

Dr. DONALD THOMAS peers reviewed research studies with respect to the assassination gunshots that were recorded in Dealey Plaza on the Dallas police radio communication channel one and the shot fired from the grassy knoll . . . .

"Echo Correlation Analysis & Acoustic Gunshots Recorded Evidence” (2001)

"Hear No Evil" (2001)

"Emendations" (2002)

"Crosstalk" (2002)

"Impulsive Behavior" (2003)

Dr. Donald Thomas VIDEO presentation on the acoustics evidence, (2004)

Dr. Donald Thomas response …to a… “Science & Justice“ study (2005)

Dr. Donald Thomas interview transcript & audio (2006)

Dr. Donald Thomas VIDEO presentation on the acoustics evidence, part 1 . . . . part 2 . . . . part 3 . . . . (2006)

"Overview and History of the Acoustical Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination Case" (2007)

Dr. Donald Thomas briefly discusses the gunshots impulses, VIDEO (2008)

Dr. Donald Thomas book, “Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence in the Kennedy Assassination” (2010)

Dr. Donald Thomas VIDEO presentation on the acoustics evidence that rebuts the analysis paid-for by political author Larry Sabato, (2014)

"In 1978 the House Select Committee on Assassinations was
presented with acoustical evidence that multiple shooters had
been involved in the murder-elimination of President
John F. Kennedy.

During the hearing, staff members played a tape recording for
the Committee with the explanation that they were about to
hear a rifle shot fired from the grassy knoll. After
listening to this tape the ranking member of the Committee,
Representative Samuel Devine of Ohio, rose in the chamber
to declare that he had a great deal of experience with firearms
and familiarity with rifle fire. He knew a gunshot when he heard
one, he said, and the sound alleged to be from the grassy knoll
could be many things, but it was clearly not a rifle shot.

The staff then explained to Mr. Devine that the tape
recording was of a test shot fired from the grassy knoll that
summer; not the Dallas Police tape from 1963.

The incident suggests two things. First, that one cannot
determine that a recorded sound is or is not gunfire merely by
listening with the naked ear. Secondly, it suggests that
Congressman Devine may not have been completely open-
minded to the concept under investigation by his Committee."

(Dr. DONALD THOMAS opening presentation remarks to the
2001 annual Lancer, November in Dallas Conference of
dedicated researchers, about his Dallas radio dictabelt taped
researched studies)

Zapruder Film with Dictabelt Recording of Gunshots edited-in, part 1 VIDEO

Zapruder Film with Dictabelt Recording of Gunshots edited-in, part 2 VIDEO

. . . . the Warren Commission-"lone-nut"-apologists deliberately, and in-correctly,
try to claim
that the Dallas Police radio recorded dictabelt of the gunshots impulses
were the only indications of another, second assassin, but, as the Warren Commission-
"lone-nut"-apologists are also aware of, there are many additional
evidentiary indications of, at least, the second assassin.

CAROL HEWETT research study, "Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the C.I.A."

(quoted segment of a hand written, very detailed letter written to me from ERNEST CARL BRANDT,
the very close Dealey Plaza witness who was inside the kill zone. All EMPHASIS transcribed here
is precisely as Mr. BRANDT wrote it in his letter to me)


. . . .

President Kennedy was about 15 feet from me when the FIRST SHOT

relation to my location on the NORTH SIDE of the Elm street curb.

My observation of JFK's re-action to the FIRST SHOT (I WAS STILL
ELBOW. MY CLOSE SCRUTINY of the "Z" film tells me that JFK is
apparently UNHIT prior to passing behind the highway sign, but, of
course, his arms are moving UPWARD as he emerges from behind
the sign.

sparse crowd in Dealey Plaza as he approached my location. My
feeling is that he was hit in the neck at about frame #208 to #210
in the "Z" film + that is only a FRACTION of a second AFTER HE
DISAPPEARED BEHIND the sign - or possibly at the VERY
INSTANT of moving behind the "LEADING EDGE" of the SIGN!!!

Gerald Posner thinks (his book, "Case Closed") that the FIRST SHOT
hit a tree limb and missed JFK, but, I disagree EMPHATICALLY. I am
lower neck!!! Hence his reason for raising his hands up to his face -

. . . .


President KENNEDY was closest to Mr. BRANDT at ZAPRUDER film frame Z-207 to 208,
and that was nearly the exact same Z-210 instant when JFK emerged from his, prior to that instant, when he was hidden under the large oak tree, out of the targeting-view by **anyone** in the Texas School Book Depository Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair”,
but at the same instant JFK had already, earlier, started to Z-190 to 195 quickly react to his having just been impacted with the first bullet to hit him .... After Z-207 the limo and President KENNEDY were moving more and more to Mr. BRANDT’s right, and at Z-225 to 235 (precisely 1.0 to 1.5 seconds later) JFK had already also then rapidly reacted and raised his arms upward, parallel to the ground, with his elbows rapidly splayed outward,

. . . . but, in very stark contradiction to the Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists, current, theory....

.... that mandates the "lone-nut" first shot occurred approximately Z-150 to Z-160,
approximately 73’ to 64’ to Mr. BRANDT’s left, which was 73’ to 64’ before
President KENNEDY had even reached Mr. BRANDT........

Very close witnesses CHARLES BREHM and his son, JOE, as seen in frame 285 of the Zapruder
film, while Mr. Zapruder tracks with JFK while the shots were still being fired.

Very close witness, CHARLES BREHM, while still in Dealey Plaza
minutes after the shots volley's ended, speaking to persons and
the media with respect to what he witnessed

"Another eyewitness, Charles Brehm, said he was 15 feet away from the President when
he was shot. 'He was waving, then the FIRST shot hit him and that awful look
crossed his face.' "

. . . . and that military veteran BREHM . . . .

"seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT of, or, BESIDE the President."


(CHARLES F. BREHM, a World War II combat gunfire experienced United States Army Ranger, D-Day veteran
at the Pointe du Hoc beach and cliffs of France, and, a very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, quoted to the
"Associated Press" 11-22-63 about 10 minutes after the assassination while he was still standing within Dealey

. . . . and . . . .

Another VIDEO
that opens with the ZAPRUDER film kill zone attack sequence segment
cropped in on President KENNEDY that plays at approximately 72 % of actual average speed, and is initially accompanied by the 11-22-63 audio recorded description of President KENNEDY's instantaneous reaction to being impacted with the first shot, as seen and audio recorded by extremely close assassination eyewitness, Mr. CHARLES BREHM
, the WWII, D-Day, U.S. Army Ranger, battles experienced veteran . . . . Several times Mr. BREHM, as also did many additional close witnesses, details President KENNEDY’s nearly instantaneous first reaction to being impacted with the first audible muzzle blast (or first impacted with the first mechanically suppressed-fired "silenced" bullet bow shock N-wave that a witness remembered hearing or could hear) . . . . Also in this video, the ZAPRUDER film segments are followed by the kill zone end-of-attack sequences from the films captured from opposite Mr. ZAPRUDER's location by MARIE M. MUCHMORE and ORVILLE ORHEL NIX, SR.

. . . . and . . . .


When the President's automobile was very
close to him and he could see the President's
face very well at the same instant what
appeared to be a rifle shot sounded.
According to BREHM, the President
seemed to stiffen and come to a pause
when another shot sounded and the
President appeared to be badly hit in the
BREHM said when the President
was hit by the SECOND SHOT, he could
notice the President's hair fly up, and then
roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY
was apparently pulling him in that direction.

BREHM said that a third shot followed
and that all three shots were relatively
close together. BREHM stated that he was in
military service and he has had experience with
bolt-action rifles, and he expressed his opinion
that the three shots were fired just about as
quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-
action rifle, take aim, and fire three shots.

BREHM stated he definitely knew that the
President had been shot and he recalled having
seen blood on the President's face. He
also stated that it seemed quite apparent
to him that the shots came from one of the
two buildings
back at the corner of Elm
and Houston Streets.



(CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced,
United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-Day veteran,
& very close Dealey Plaza attack witness, in his F.B.I.
statement, 11-24-63, describing, as did the sizeable
majority of close witnesses, that the first audible muzzle
blast or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock
wave that he remembered hearing (or could hear) struck
President KENNEDY and the President immediately reacted
to being struck . . . . BREHM also told the F.B.I. that the
shots originated from either the Depository, and/or, the
right next-door Dal-Tex Building, and, in the 1986 "Showtime:
Mock Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald"
he emphasized, again,
the Depository, and/or, the Dal-Tex Building as
possible shots sources of the shots he remembered
hearing and/or could hear)

. . . . and . . . .

"I saw a piece fly over in the area of the CURB where I WAS STANDING.

.... It seemed to have, have come LEFT , AND BACK.

.... Sir, whatever it was that I saw did fall, both, in that direction, and, over INTO THE CURB there."


(CHARLES F. BREHM, a combat gunfire experienced, United States Army Ranger, World War II, D-Day veteran, & very close Dealey Plaza attack witness during his 1966 videotaped "Rush To Judgment" documentary interview, VIDEO here, describing an object he watched fly back and to the left of President KENNEDY....the same “back--and--to--his--left” direction, towards BREHM, that President KENNEDY's head and upper torso was also quickly moved nearly simultaneously towards when his head exploded)

EMIL ABRAHAM ZAPRUDER was the only photographer to capture the entire assassination. (other witnesses filmed portions during the volley's of shots) Mr. ZAPRUDER recorded his film with his “Bell & Howell” manufactured “Director Series” movie camera, Model 414PD (Power Zoom/Duel Electric Eye), equipped with a “Varamat” ‘Zoomatic’ F1.8 focal length, variable 9mm to 27mm zoom lens. (His camera’s serial number is AS13486) I have two available for you. Each is in gem mint to outstanding quality and operational condition and complete with the original leather carrying case and full operating instructions manual (one of them even includes a gem mint, un-opened pack of the exact same type Kodachrome II film that Mr. ZAPRUDER also used on 11-22-63). While he filmed the assassination Mr. ZAPRUDER had his zoom lens set to full close-up. His camera was spool-loaded with the double 8mm film, and approximately 25 to 28 feet could continuously be exposed at a time. The F.B.I. later tested Mr. ZAPRUDER’s camera with its “Record” spring-powered film-advance mechanism started at fully-wound. As the spring mechanism un-wound, the film moved at an average speed of 18.3 frames-per-second. In that respect, an individual ZAPRUDER frame can also be a determinative clock for us to precisely time stamp the starting and stopping instant of an event. His film can also be used to precisely determine locations, movements speeds, and measurements at specific time stamps (especially when combined with other films and photos), and determine the relative alignments of persons, objects, and landmarks. It can also confirm or contradict an individual witness statement, confirm or contradict the group of witnesses statements as a whole, their observations of limousine occupants time stamped actions, persons reactions to possible gun shots, and the exact, multiple instants when Mr. ZAPRUDER’s camera noticeably shook and jiggled during the volley's of the attack shots.

. . . . Transparently revealing . . . .

Despite the fact (or, maybe, *because* of the fact) that the ZAPRUDER film is the only Dealey Plaza film
that documented the entire assassination, only 3 of the 7 Warren Commission "lone-nut"-commissars
deliberately chose to actually ever want to watch the film in motion, at least, one time....
albeit on 6-4-64, over 6 months after JFK was eliminated, yet as their
"investigation" was being wrapped-up
. . . .

“. . . . and as I was shooting as the president was coming down from Houston Street making his turn, it was about a half-way down there, I heard a shot, and he slumped to the side, like this.”

(ABRAHAM ZAPRUDER then demonstrated President Kennedy being bullet impacted, then, leftward
turning and slumping, then, President Kennedy’s rapid leftward movements and
slumped posture seen approximately Z-203 to Z-260 and thereafter, that
was documented in the ZAPRUDER film)

“. . . . Then, I heard another shot or two, I couldn’t say whether it was one or two, and I saw his head practically open up - all blood and everything - and I kept on shooting.”

(ABRAHAM ZAPRUDER, very close Dealey Plaza attack witness during his 11-22-63 videotaped interview on Dallas “WFAA TV” about 90 minutes after the assassination, describing for his very first time (and he demonstrated President Kennedy’s reaction) that ZAPRUDER did watch President KENNEDY instantaneously react to being impacted with the first shot that ZAPRUDER remembered hearing (or could hear))

Zapruder frame # 150

Zapruder frame # 160

^ ^
| |
| |
| |
| |

In contrast to President KENNEDY, Mrs. KENNEDY, and JOHN CONNALLY’s abrupt, discontinuous, and rapid reactions that occurred nearly in unison within less than 1-second of each other from Z-155 to Z-169, all of the occupants of Vice President LYNDON JOHNSON’s light silver-blue convertible who time stamped their location when the attack started and they heard the first shot they could hear (and further supported by many additional close witnesses in their follow-up murder-cade vehicles who also time stamped their location when the attack started) have stated that their car had already completed their turn onto Elm Street, and, further detailed that their JOHNSON convertible had already completed straightening out onto Elm Street when the first “shot” volley was fired (albeit the first audible muzzle blast, or, the first "silenced" mechanically suppressed-fired super-sonic bullet bow shock N-wave, or, the first "silenced" mechanically suppressed-fired sub-sonic bullet that he/she was able to hear, or, that they remembered hearing).

Many witnesses very similarly compared the first “shot” that they remembered hearing (or, could hear) to a vehicle backfire and/or a firecracker, and many witnesses stated that it sounded distinctly different than the follow-up vollies.

Additionally, the Warren Commission was forced to admit in writing in their report-canard (but its "lone-nut"-apologists are stuck in ever-transparent-denial about) that a distinct and (as the Warren Commission wrote), "substantial majority" of the many then-known witnesses and the many then-known weapons-experienced witnesses who remembered hearing (or could hear), at least, 3 shots also importantly detailed for us that the last two blasts these majority of witnesses remembered hearing (or could hear) were definitely bunched much closer together in time, than the first two blasts they could hear.


A child’s simple viewing of the ZAPRUDER film clearly documents that between its frames Z-150 and Z-160** ---- the same frames segment that the latest version of warrenatti-apologists, current, shots sequence "theory" hypothesizes that the, supposed, “lone-nut” first shot was fired into the branches and thick foliage leaves of a large, closeby tree, the JOHNSON convertible can, actually, be clearly seen just beginning to start into its left turn from Houston Street, and that was well before the JOHNSON car had ever completed its turn onto Elm Street, and of course, well before JOHNSON's car had even straightened out after that turn.

** the Warren Commission determined that the branches and thick foliages of leaves within the closeby
tree did not start to hide JFK from the targeting-view of anyone in the, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair"
until Z-166/167, even though JFK had ALREADY, very rapidly, snapped his head 65 degrees to his right
within 0.16 second from Z-155 to Z-158
(and right after his ultrafast head snap military veteran JFK started
enthusiastically waving and carefree, widely smiling happily)

“ Our automobile had just turned a corner
(the names of the streets are unknown to
me) when I heard a bang which sounded
to me like a possible firecracker - the
sound coming from my right rear. ”

(United States Secret Service Agent WARREN “Woody” W. TAYLOR in his 11-29-63 documented report....
TAYLOR was riding in the Vice Presidential Secret Service followup car that was right behind LBJ’s car....
TAYLOR confirms that (precisely like LBJ’s car) his car had also already completed its 120-degrees, long,
sweeping turn from Houston Street onto Elm Street.... THEN.... the 1st of 3 audible muzzle blasts
or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock waves that TAYLOR remembered hearing (or could hear)
was fired. (and also exactly like a substantial majority of the witnesses, close witnesses, and weapons
experienced witnesses, TAYLOR stated that the 2nd and 3rd volleys of gunshot blasts were bunched much
closer together than the 1st and 2nd blasts that he could hear)

to the Assassinations Records Review Board Scientiffically
Verifying the Authenticity of the ZAPRUDER Film

When a bullet is triggered -- whether triggered without the muzzle end
attachment of a mechanical flash-suppressor, sound-suppressor silencer,
or, whether triggered with an attached mechanical flash-suppressor, sound-
suppressor silencer -- if the fired bullet travels at a supersonic speed greater
the speed of sound of 1140 feet-per-second (at sea level at a
70-degree temperature), the bullet will create the resistance and
compression of air on and around the front tip of the hot bullet, and this
compressed air creates a bullet bow shock wave that expands in a
trailing cone behind the bullet nose tip that will result in a sonic-boom-like
loud “crack” being heard by witnesses located near and far from the bullet

When a bullet is triggered -- whether triggered without the muzzle end
attachment of a mechanical flash-suppressor, sound-suppressor silencer,
or, whether triggered with an attached mechanical flash-suppressor, sound-
suppressor silencer -- if the fired bullet travels at a sub-sonic speed less than
the speed of sound, the bullet will not create a loud ballistic “crack," but,
it still creates a “zipping," “whizzing” disturbance in the air that may, or may
not, be heard by witnesses located close to the bullet trajectory, but not
necessarily, ever, heard by other witnesses.

Since starting in the very early 1900’s, the existence and continuing
development by private companies and governments of silenced
weapons have been on-going

When you have a chance, provided in the following solid videos . . . .
(in this nearby video, other unseen, audible muzzle blasts shots from further away
from the camera are also being loudly fired while the silenced weapon is fired)

and here,
(in this nearby video, other unseen, audible muzzle blasts shots from further away
from the camera are also being loudly fired while the silenced weapon is fired)

and here,

and here,

and here,

and here,

. . . . listen to the substantially less decibels-level sound documented in the (non-"Holly-weird") Real World, that are heard at their maximum decibels-level from a much closer couple yards away from the weapon.

Remember, in the videos you are hearing the "silenced" muzzle blast from very close by,
therefore, if you were standing a distance of 61’ to 265’, or further, away from a
weapon’s exposed muzzle end, or, away from a concealed, hidden weapon that
was fired from inside a sounds-absorbing room, the "silenced" muzzle blast sound
that you might be able to hear, if you heard it at all,
(and, that the attack strategy planner's
would know about to count on)
would be much, much less
because of the noises combination's of the crowd clapping's, witnesses talking among
themselves, their cheerings, yellings, whistlings, the Dallas policemen's Harley Davidson
"Duo-Glide" (74 OHV)
motorcycle's, and the additional noises cover of the reverberating
audible muzzle blast(s) of another assassin's non-"silenced", loud weapon(s).

A very interesting article about silencers used on weapons, detailing their characteristics, and the reasons and several strong, solid tactical advantages that the experienced assassin(s) would strategically choose to use an assassination weapon(s) that eliminates weapon(s) muzzle flash and substantially decreases or eliminates muzzle(s) noise(s) to a much, much less or non-hearable level(s)....

1.... the source(s) of the gunfire(s) is masked-hidden,

2.... the location(s) of the gunfire source(s) is difficult/impossible to pinpoint,

3.... the number(s) or type(s) of weapons firing can not be identified,

4.... the range(s) of weapons firing can not be identified,

5.... well-practiced-with, precisely-calibrated silencer weapons have much less recoil and are more accurate,

6.... JFK (the target) and his Secret Service Agents protectors were confused,

7.... the assassin sniper(s) had a psychological advantage over the target and his protectors

click here or click the frame to expand into an extremely larger, sharper, follow-up window

Documented in the very important IKE ALTGENS photo # 6, seen above and available here, that is time stamped to have been snapped simultaneous with ZAPRUDER frame 255, Senator RALPH YARBOROUGH and “LADY BIRD” JOHNSON are clearly seen to, both, still be smiling happily and enthusiastically (along with a majority of the standing witnesses who also appear not aware of shots, still enthusiastically clapping, and/or happy), and, YARBOROUGH, “LADY BIRD,” ~ and LBJ ~ are all, still, documented to be sitting upright.... Even though the, current, Warren Commission-apologists theory mandates that 2 "lone-nut" shots had, supposedly, already been fired, and....

"He [Secret Service Agent RUFUS YOUNGBLOOD, my insertion] stepped over into the back seat and sat on the Vice President. He sat in a crouched position. During this time he heard two more shots. He doesn't know if they came after he was on top of the Vice President, but Mr. Johnson told him that was so."

(from the 12-18-63 Secret Service report, and as claimed by then-Vice President LYNDON JOHNSON and SS Agent RUFUS YOUNGBLOOD . . . . But . . . . as clearly documented in the IKE ALTGENS # 6 photo (available for you here in a very clear, extremely large format) . . . . that was captured while the attack shots were still being fired, concurrent with ZAPRUDER frame # 255, YOUNGBLOOD is still sitting in his front seat, before he got atop LBJ, and, before he and LBJ each separately stated that they each had heard 2 more audible muzzle blasts and/or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock waves AFTER Agent YOUNGBLOOD was already in the back seat....

Additional, very strong support that YOUNGBLOOD was also already sitting atop LBJ before the last 2 audible blasts/bow shock waves could be heard comes from murder-cade witness, CLIFTON CRAWFORD CARTER, the Chief Advisor to LBJ.... Mr. CARTER was also a close passenger in the Secret Service vice presidential follow-up car directly behind LBJ and YOUNGBLOOD.... The Warren Commission report wrote in its chapter 2, page 52....

"Clifton C. Carter, riding in the Vice President's follow-up car a short distance behind, reported that Youngblood was in the rear seat using his body to shield the Vice President before the second and third shots were fired."

(my emphasis)

. . . . But . . . .

. . . . the, current, Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists theory mandates
that BEFORE frame Z-255, not one shot, but TWO Warren Commission "lone-nut"-shots
have had to have been already fired
to “fit“ into their, current, theory.

During commission tests, the Warren Commission, itself,
also determined that it required a MINIMUM of 2.80 seconds
* to trigger a shot . . . .

. . . . and then . . . .

recycle the manual bolt to insert a new bullet into the chamber

. . . . and then . . . .

. . . . fire the follow-up bullet . . . .

. . . . and the commission tests to time the rifle in evidence manual bolt recycle time were not concerned with shooting accuracy……their recycle tests were only concerned with recycling the rifle in evidence as fast as possible . . . .

. . . . not even allowing MORE TIME when the just-fired rifle jumped off target . . . .

. . . . and even MORE TIME needed b
y an assassin to move the rifle back onto target . . . .

. . . . then . . . .

. . . . re-center the target

. . . . then . . . .

. . . . activate the rifle's double-pull trigger, to fire the next bullet down the barrel

* the F.B.I. test fired the rifle by shooting only at stationary targets.
Their tests determined an average of 2.3 seconds between shots. When the
F.B.I. weapons specialist was asked how much additional time it would have
required to re-aim the rifle, then re-acquire a moving target, he estimated
it would require at least a minimum of another half-second, making
the total F.B.I.-estimated minimum time between shots 2.8 seconds

“We had just turned from Main onto Houston, drove one block, and turned left.  My car had just straightened up from making the left turn.  I was looking directly at the President’s car at that time. At that time I heard a shot ring out which appeared to come from the right rear of the Vice-President’s car. Mr. Rufus Youngblood, the Secret Service Agent riding in my car asked me what that was and at the same time he advised the Vice President and Mrs. Johnson to get down. He climbed to the rear of the seat with the Vice President and appeared to be shielding the Vice president with his own body. At that time I heard two more shots ring out.”

(HURCHEL JACKS, a Texas State Highway Patrolman and the driver of LBJ’s car, in his statement he gave to the Secret Service, that further supports the statements of LBJ, YOUNGBLOOD, and the ZAPRUDER film in that their car had already completed its turn onto Elm Street and straightened up, THEN, the first blast or shock wave that JACKS heard was triggered, and, further supports that AFTER Agent YOUNGBLOOD climbed on top of LBJ ~ something that YOUNGBLOOD has not done in the ALTGENS photo # 6 concurrent with Z-255 ~ there were 2 more shots fired)

[we were] going down a hill, and suddenly there was a sharp,
loud report. It sounded like a shot. The sound seemed to me
to come from a building on the right above my shoulder. A
moment passed, and then two more shots rang out in rapid

in her book, “A White House Diary”
that was written from her personal notes
that she wrote right after the assassination.

Her statement that their car was already "going down a hill"
when she heard the first shot she remembered hearing (or could hear)
also further supports and strengthens her fellow witnesses first "shot" time
stamped that they had already completed the sweeping turn from Houston Street
onto Elm Street, their car had already straightened-out, and, was already going downhill
because the "going down a hill" Elm Street location starts at a very specific point that is directly
in front of the Depository - not back at the start of the intersection turn, at their location clearly documented
in the ZAPRUDER film at Z-150 to Z-160
.............She also supports the substantial majority of her Dealey Plaza co-witnesses in that the
last two shots they could hear were rapidly bunched together - not further apart than the first two shots- as the Warren Commission-apologists, current, "theory" demands.

“ When the motorcade passed she was looking at Mrs. KENNEDY who was looking to the other side of the car. The President was looking in her direction and she had waved. She heard the shot fired as the President was waving. Thereafter she heard two additional shots, shots which seemed to have come from right over her head. She said she looked up and saw nothing. ”

(my emphasis)

(very close witness PATRICIA ANN LAWRENCE (who soon married, and her last name became DONALDSON), in her 11-24-63 statement to the F.B.I. .... LAWRENCE was standing on President KENNEDY’s side of the limousine, along the north Elm Street curb point that was out from nearly the direct center of the Depository .... Mrs. KENNEDY was, indeed, “looking to the other side of the car” until Z-169 to 170, then she fairly quickly first started turning her head rightward, and, as the President was waving” is time stamped exactly to after when President Kennedy was already in the act of the wave that started after Z-170 ~~ when the thick foliages and branches of the large tree had already blocked ~~ and still blocked ~~ anyone in the commission-apologists, supposed, “lone-nut” “snipers lair” from being able to view or target him)

"a substantial majority of the witnesses stated that the shots were not
evenly spaced. Most witnesses recalled that the second and third
shots were bunched together"

(Warren Commission report, page 115)


“There has been a certain amount of testimony indicating there was a longer pause between the report of the first shot... and the second and third shots, that is not absolutely unanimous but I would say it is something like 5 to 1 or something of that kind....”

(my emphasis)

(Warren Commission commissioner ALLEN DULLES, admitting that 5 of 6 witnesses (an 83% clear majority)
of the witnesses the commission knew of and interviewed stated that the last two audible blasts
and/or bullet bow shock waves that they could hear were bunched much closer together
than the first two blasts/shock waves they could hear)

“As soon as President KENNEDY's car passed where she was
standing, she and Mrs. SPRINGER turned away and started
walking north towards Elm Street. At about the time they
reached the curb at Elm Street, she heard a loud report
and thought it was fireworks. There was a pause after the
first report, then a second and third report almost at the
same time, and then a pause followed by at least one and
possibly more reports. The noise seemed to come from up in
the air, but she never looked up in that direction."

(12-4-63 voluntary statement to the F.B.I. by very close Dealey Plaza witness Mrs.
. . . . Shortly after watching 2 men, each armed with
a weapon, up on the same floor, near each other in the same area of the Warren
Commission's, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair,"
then after her watching President KENNEDY
drive past them, Mrs. WALTHER and her friend were walking directly towards the Texas
School Book Depository. When she was at the Houston-Elm southeast corner across from
the Depository she remembered hearing (or could hear) 4 audible muzzle blasts or "silenced"
bullet bow shock waves with the 2nd and 3rd audible muzzle blast/bullet bow shock waves
bunched closer together than the 1st and 2nd, and, the 2nd and 3rd blast/shock waves
bunched closer together than the 3rd and 4th. Though the Depository was directly in front of
her, Mrs. WALTHER never looked at the Depository as the source(s) of the blasts/shock waves....
Mrs. WALTHER was never called by the Warren Commission to provide her testimony.

" By the time President KENNEDY had reached the Thornton Freeway sign,
a shot was fired and Mr. MOORE observed the President slumping
forward in the Presidential car. Mr. MOORE heard two more shots
fired, however, the President was out of Mr. MOORE's sight at the
time the last two shots were fired. "

(Voluntary statement to the F.B.I. by very close Dealey Plaza witness Mr.
describing his hearing the first shot he could hear and seeing
President KENNEDY slump after that first shot)

"I had the window rolled-down and I heard 'Bam,' then a pause,
and then, 'Bam' and then a short pause - 'Bam' "

(United States Congressman and Dealey Plaza witness HENRY BARBOSA GONZALEZ detailing for us his hearing the last two shots that he could hear, that were bunched closer together than the first two shots he could hear, Associated Press, 1-26-92)

"I heard one shot, and then a pause, and then this repetition ---- two shots right behind the other, and I thought it was backfire from a car and I said, 'Someone shot the president.'"

(Dealey Plaza witness EDWARD SHIELDS in his Warren Commission testimony detailing his hearing the last two shots that he could hear were bunched closer together than the first two shots he could hear, Warren Commission volume 7, page 394)

"It seemed like there was more time between the first and the second shots than between the second and the third. The second and the third were pretty close together."

(Dealey Plaza witness and Dallas police sergeant DAVID V. HARKNESS, "No More Silence" page 205, 1998)

"As we turned off Houston onto Elm and made the short little dip to the left going down grade, as I said, we were away from buildings, and were there was a sign on the side of the road which I don't recall what it was or what it said, but we no more than passed that and you are out in the open, and there is a report like a firecracker, pop. And I turned my head to the right."

[my emphasis]

(ROY KELLERMAN, Secret Service Agent, front seat passenger in the Presidential limousine, describing how after he heard the first shot he remembered hearing (or could hear), he then turned his head to the right.... per KELLERMAN’s references, he was documented to his being even with the Thornton Freeway sign at Z-188, then, he was even with the Stemmons Freeway sign at Z-243.... Importantly, KELLERMAN is also documented in the ZAPRUDER film when he came back into view from his being hidden by Stemmons Freeway sign, to his already being turned to his right when he came back into view . . . . and per his testimony he THEN heard 2 more shots . . . . ROY KELLERMAN testimony, Warren Commission report-canard, volume 2, pages 61-112)

After hearing the first shot he remembered hearing (or could hear), KELLERMAN further, and simply, detailed for us,

"I turned around to find out what happened when two additional shots rang out and the President slumped into Mrs. Kennedy's lap and Governor Connally fell to Mrs. Connally's lap."

(documented in the ZAPRUDER film, Agent KELLERMAN, clearly, did not even start his left turn rearward to look over his shoulder at the KENNEDY’s and CONNALLY’s until AFTER Z-246, (accelerating his turn at Z-253) then, per his above testimony, he heard 2 more audible muzzle blasts and/or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock waves sometime after Z-246, exactly the same as YOUNGBLOOD, and exactly the same as many additional close witnesses and many additional close weapons-experienced witnesses, have all stated, testified, and maintained . . . . ROY KELLERMAN, Secret Service agent in Presidential limousine, in his original Treasury Department Secret Service report dated 11-29-63, and Warren Commission report-canard, volume 18, page 724)

KELLERMAN further helps us to narrow and pinpoint when he heard the additional
2 blasts and/or shock waves when he commission-testified,

"So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, ‘Let’s get out of here, we are hit!,’ and grabbed the mike and I said, ‘Lawson, this is Kellerman,’ --this is Lawson who is in the front car-- [LAWSON was in the “lead car," ahead of the limousine] ‘We are hit; get us to the hospital immediately.’ Now, in the seconds that I talked just now, a flurry of shells come into the car.”

. . . . documented in the ZAPRUDER film, Agent KELLERMAN,
clearly, starts his head and upper torso turn towards
the front at Z-286, and after Z-286 is when he is seen
to have, then, grabbed the radio microphone.... then....
KELLERMAN heard “a flurry of shells.”

When asked by Warren Commission-lawyer SPECTER if he could describe the sounds of the flurry of shots that came into the limousine at the end of the attack, KELLERMAN testified,

"if I recall correctly these were two sharp reports, sir."

Did they sound different from the first shot?, asked SPECTER.

"Yes. Definitely. Very much so." KELLERMAN testified.

KELLERMAN further, and simply, detailed for us,

"Let me give you an illustration . . . . You have heard the sound barrier, of a plane breaking the sound barrier, bang-bang? That is it. It was like a double-bang: Bang-bang."

[my emphasis]

(ROY KELLERMAN, Secret Service Agent in the Presidential limousine, describing how rapidly bunched close together were the last 2 blasts and/or bow shock waves that he heard (or could hear) from less than 10’ away from JFK. . . . . Bunched much too close together in time to have been triggered from, only, one "lone-nut" weapon, with a time-consuming, manually-recycled bolt, which is also what many additional close witnesses and weapons-experienced witnesses, have all stated and maintained.... ROY KELLERMAN Warren Commission report-canard, volume 2, pages 61-112)

When asked about the time spacing of the last two shots, Secret Service Agent and Presidential limousine driver, WILLIAM GREER, also re-enforced KELLERMAN’s testimony and further detailed for us in his testimony....

"The last two seemed to be just simultaneously, one behind the other"

[my emphasis]

(WILLIAM GREER, Secret Service Agent and driver of the Presidential limousine, describing how rapidly bunched close together were the last 2 blasts and/or bow shock waves that he heard (or could hear) from less than 10’ away from JFK. . . . . Bunched much too close together in time to have been triggered from, only, one "lone-nut" weapon, with a time-consuming, manually-recycled bolt, which is also what many additional close witnesses and weapons-experienced witnesses, have all stated and maintained.… WILLIAM GREER Warren Commission report-canard, volume 2, pages 112-132)

Motorcade participant and longtime very respected reporter
Mr. ROBERT MacNEIL video interview
. . . .

when Mr. MacNEIL details for us
his entering Dealey Plaza……

…… then ……

……his hearing the first audible muzzle blast or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock N-wave that he remembered hearing, (or could hear)……

…… then ……

……Mr. MacNEIL time stamped for us in valuable shots time stamp sequence detail that……

…… in the exact same amount of time it took for the first gunshot volley blast sound to travel to him……


…… for the sound to reach his ears……


…… for the amount of time it took MacNEIL to neurologically interpret that first loud, startling sound ……


…… during the amount of time consumed that it then also took Mr. MacNEIL and his co-witnesses to ask and finish asking out loud to each other……

“ ' What was that ? '

' Was that a shot ? '

' Was that a backfire ? '

and there was time for us to exchange
[those sentences]

…… then ……

…… the second shot volley Mr. MacNEIL remembered hearing (or
could hear) was fired……

. . . . and as Mr. MacNEIL clearly demonstrates and time stamps
the 3rd audible muzzle blast/"silenced" bullet bow shock wave he heard (or could hear) nearly immediately
followed very closely the second heard blast/shock wave
in approximately 1-second

(NOT the Warren Commission-apologists vastly different shots time stamp theory of
some 5-seconds between its 2nd and 3rd shot volley's

...... that Mr. MacNEIL, like a "substantial majority" of the witnesses, also very similarly, exactly described . . . .

“ and then there were two shots, close together ”

(In this video, Mr. MacNEIL, as have many actual witnesses, clearly demonstrates
for us the very close timing of those last two blasts and/or shock waves that were
much too closely bunched together for only one manual, bolt-action rifle.

.... then, MacNEIL yelled, “That was a shot!," and they told their press bus driver to stop the bus so they could get out . . . . Mr. MacNEIL has also spoken about the motorcade, and that during the early part of the motorcade he had dozed off to sleep and he had a daydream. In his dream, he heard a gunshot, then, he got out of the bus and chased the shooter . . . . In reality, when the shots were fired in Dealey Plaza, MacNEIL did get out of the bus and ran to the grassy knoll.…

A very large, "substantial majority" of the Dealey Plaza witnesses confirmed and distinctly heard
this exact same shots pattern: = that the last 2 audible muzzle blasts or "silenced"
bullet shock N-waves were fired much closer together than the first two
audible blasts and/or bullet shock N-waves that could be heard......

...... and several of these last 2 audible muzzle blasts or "silenced"
bullet shock N-waves very closely bunched witnesses detailed further
for us that the last 2 were much too closely bunched together to have
been fired by just one, manually operated, bolt-action weapon.

.... the, Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists theory mandates, and can only allow, one "lone-nut" shot after Z-225....

. . . . and . . . .

.... the, Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists theory mandates, and can only allow, that the time between their, supposed, “lone-nut” 2nd and 3rd shots was 43% further apart (90 Zapruder frames between Z-223 and 313) than his time between his 1st and 2nd shots (63 Zapruder frames between Z-160 and 223) ....

. . . . meaning . . . .

.... the Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists are forced to constantly live in denial, yet, they simultaneously, try to, contend that every one of the many dozens of the actual witnesses who could hear at least 3 blasts/shock waves (or more), and, every one of the actual weapons experienced witnesses who could hear at least 3 blasts/shock waves (or more) stated and/or testified that the last 2 shots they could hear were bunched much closer together than the first 2 shots they could hear were, ALL, collectively, ‘wrong’ and ‘mistaken.’

JOHN CONNALLY, the WWII military veteran and long time hunter since childhood,
further detailed for us when he commission-testified about the attack
shots volley's sequencing, and the shots close bunching . . . .

“The thought immediately passed through my mind that there were
either two or three people involved, or more, in this, or,
someonewas shooting with an automatic rifle.”

(Warren Commission report-canard, volume 4, page 133)

"The second two shots were immediate. It was almost as if one were an echo of the other, they came so quickly; the sound of one did not cease until the second shot.

With the second and third shots I did see the President being hit. I literally saw his head explode.

So, I felt that the shots had come, as I wrote in my article, from behind me and to my right -- which would have been in the direction of the grassy knoll and the railroad overpass."

(1988 VIDEO interview with MARY ELIZABETH ANN WOODWARD , the “Dallas Morning News" reporter, and very close Elm Street kill zone witness who President KENNEDY was also directly facing her at Z-190 from only 16’ away when he was closest to MARY.... She was also standing close to the President with several of her work friends who also gave their statements. Immediately after the assassination, WOODWARD has stated that before it was even announced that President KENNEDY had died, she provided for us her very first statements when she wrote her “Dallas Morning News" article entitled, “Witness from the News Describes the Assassination,” (printed in the paper 11-23-63, then soon removed) in which she wrote that while President KENNEDY was directly facing her and her work friends, and, AFTER he was ALREADY into the act of waving (clearly documented for everyone in the ZAPRUDER film that he started that same act of waving at Z-170 to 171), it was then that the FIRST muzzle blast or bow shock wave that WOODWARD remembered hearing (or could hear) was fired, “... suddenly there was a horrible, ear-shattering noise coming from behind us and a little to the right.” (my emphasis) ....the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, “lone-nut” “snipers lair” was 61’ above her head, slightly behind her facing direction, and, importantly, 153’ away - to her LEFT .... the grassy knoll was a little above her, and to her RIGHT

........The vast, substantial majority of persons and witnesses are smartly aware of the very distinct, very key difference between their right side, versus, their left side)

"There might have been two blasts at one time."

(EARL JACK "Jay" WATSON, Dallas "WFAA-TV" reporter and Dealey
Plaza witness, stated on TV after the assassination)

"I heard a shot ring out, a couple seconds elapsed and then two more shots ring out. I immediately ran to the area from which it sounded like the shots had been fired. This is an area between the railroads and the Texas School Book Depository which is east of the railroads."

(HAROLD E. ELKINS, Dallas County Deputy Chief Sheriff and Dealey Plaza
witness, within his Dallas Sheriff's department Investigation Report)

“As the lead car was passing under this bridge I heard the first loud, sharp report, and in more rapid
succession, two more sounds like gunfire.”

. . . . and . . . .

“There was one report, and a pause, then two more reports closer together. Two and three were
closer together than one and two.”

(Warren Commission - volume 4, WINSTON GEORGE LAWSON, Secret Service Agent, Advanceman for the Texas trip in Dallas, and a WWII U.S. Army counter-intelligence agent. LAWSON was riding in the motorcade lead car, and he was located next to the grassy knoll that was located on his entire right rear, direct right, and right front during the shots.... of the source of the shots LAWSON stated they were from “over my right shoulder” .... At the end of the ZAPRUDER film and only in its last frames, we can clearly see that LAWSON’s white lead car was located before it reached the entrance of the mouth of the tunnel under the bridge next to the grassy knoll.... In another interview that was rebroadcast on C-SPAN Agent LAWSON further supported the vast majority of his fellow Dealey Plaza witnesses and he is even more specific with respect to the bunched shots sequence he could hear, stating, "The third one was a little closer to the second one, than the second one was to the first one." .... the current Warren Commission shots sequence theory supposes that the 2nd and 3rd alleged "lone-nut" shots were 43% further apart than the 1st and 2nd shots)

“Although I was across the street from
the Depository building and was looking
in the direction of the building as the
motorcade passed and following the shots,
I did not look up at the building as I had
thought the shots came from a westerly
direction in the vicinity of the viaduct.”

(Texas School Book Depository employee and very close Dealey Plaza witness DELORES ARLENE KOUNAS who stood directly across Elm Street from the Depository, nearly directly in front of the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, “lone-nut” “snipers lair,” in her documented, official F.B.I. statement Warren Commission Exhibit 1381)

" You know when kids play cowboys and Indians and they go,
' Bam! ---- bam bam! ' The last two [were] clustered together. "

(THOMAS ATKINS, the United States Navy Commander assigned as a White House
movie cameraman, and Dallas murder-cade rider quoted in the book “Pictures of
the Pain,”
page 371, detailing that of the three shots that he remembered hearing
(or could hear), the last two shots were bunched much closer together than the
first two shots....ATKINS was not called to testify to the Warren Commission-
commissars nor asked to give a written statement by any of its investigators

"The second and third shot was pretty close together, but there was
a short lapse there between the first and second shot."

. . . . and . . . .

(he further testified when the Warren Commission lawyer asked him why he first ran to the grassy knoll....)

"Well, that was, from the echo of the shots, we thought they came from that direction."

(LUKE ELMO MOONEY, the Dallas Deputy Sheriff in his Warren Commission
testimony, detailing that of the three shots that he remembered hearing
(or could hear), the last two shots were bunched much closer
together than the first two shots, and, the shots source was from the
area of the grassy knoll, not the Elm Street intersection several
hundreds of feet away from the grassy knoll)

"I saw his hair come out . . . . It was the right rear part of his head,
because that’s the part I saw blow out.... then, the skin went back in."

SAMUEL A. KINNEY, the driver of the Secret Service follow-up Cadillac car that was right behind
President KENNEDY, stated to VINCE PALAMARA, in PALAMARA’s free e-book, "The JFK
Assassination Medical Reference; The Principal Witnesses on November 22, 1963"

. . . . KINNEY also can be seen and heard here, in one of his very rare VIDEO interviews,
describing, matching, and supporting the sizeable majority of the Dealey Plaza kill zone witnesses,
when KINNEY reproduces for you the very rapidly bunched, close timing of the last 2 shots that he heard

. . . . A close bunching of shots that was much, much too close together to have been fired
from only one manual bolt action weapon
. . . . KINNEY’s windshield and his left arm were
hit with blood and brain matter immediately after the head shot, and he further emphasized to
PALAMARA that there were no missed shots, and, that the President virtually had “no brains left.”

the President from the back seat of the limousine at the Parkland Hospital emergency entrance)

“ When I heard the first explosion, I knew it was a shot. I thought that Gov. Connally had been hit when I saw him turn toward the President with a real surprised look. ”

. . . . and . . . .

[ when President KENNEDY’s head exploded ]

“ Then I felt something hit me. It could have been concrete or something, but I thought at first I might have been hit. ”

. . . . and . . . .

[ HARGIS stated that the origin of the shots he could hear.... ]

“ were right next to me, ”

( ^ All of the above were stated 11-22-63 by ROBERT "Bobby" WELDON HARGIS (b.1932, d.2014), Dallas Police motorcycle man and Presidential limousine escort, then, his shots source and his being hit very hard with something was initially printed in the 11-23-63 New York Daily News, and also printed in the 11-24-63 New York Sunday News)

HARGIS was not sure if the President's head exploded with the 2nd or 3rd audible muzzle blast and/or mechanically suppressed-fired "silenced" bullet bow shock N-wave of the 3 that HARGIS remembered hearing (or could hear).

His motorcycle was located only 14' to President KENNEDY’s back and left when the President's head initially exploded at Z313.

HARGIS stated that after the “first explosion” that he remembered hearing (or could hear), he then immediately turned his head towards the limousine ~~~~ as documented in the ZAPRUDER film, HARGIS first gradually starts turning his head towards the limousine starting at Z-202 to 203 ~~~~ THEN, he remembered hearing (or could hear) 2 more gunshots volleys.

When the President’s head did explode, HARGIS also stated that it, definitively, physically felt that he was suddenly struck by something with so much force that he felt that he had also been shot.

In fact, even though just prior to the President’s head exploding HARGIS had been accelerating slightly faster than his fellow 3 other Presidential limousine motorcyclemen, right after the President‘s head explodes HARGIS is the very first cyclist who suddenly and very rapidly braked his cycle to a near stop: possibly/probably in his quick reaction to his feeling that he had been struck with something hard enough that it felt like he had been shot ~ exactly as he stated on 11-22-63....

. . . . But....

. . . . As time went on....

the now-retired and
Dallas police pension-receiving
very first day, earliest statements have drastically changed
from when he stated that he heard shots that were fired from, "right next to me." ....

. . . . . As time went on ....

HARGIS’s very first day, earliest statement that he felt he was,
definitely, struck
with something with so much force that he felt that he was shot,
has now
greatly mutated (for some (((pension-drawing ?!!))) reason(s))
into his, current, changed-claim that he now believes that
he was struck so hard because he passed through
quickly-disappeared, airborne blood cloud
head ejecta of miniature and
microscopic, vaporized
blood droplets

Riding in the Vice Presidential car, RALPH WEBSTER YARBOROUGH, the United States Congressman from Texas who was also World War II veteran who served honorably with the United States Army’s 97th Infantry Division who was expertly qualified in the battlefields use of rifles, carbines, pistols and bazooka’s, and as of 11-22-63 he was still an active hunter with rifles and shotguns, was a very, very close Dealey Plaza witness, and political enemy of LYNDON JOHNSON (whom JOHNSON had argued about with JFK when JOHNSON heatedly tried a few hours before JFK's elimination to convince JFK to switch YARBOROUGH into sitting in CONNALLY’s presidential limousine seat - next to JFK).

YARBOROUGH is further strongly documented as (as also documented by many additional key witnesses located down at street level) that he distinctly smelled gun powder as his car drove inside the JFK kill zone and passed the grassy knoll picket fence located on YARBOROUGH’s front and right,

.... even though the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair” was several hundred feet behind him,

.... even though the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair” was a distance of, at least, 61’ above YARBOROUGH’s head, and also very importantly,

.... the wind was documented in the many films and photos to be blowing in its north-easterly direction from the underpass and the grassy knoll, in its direction from YARBOROUGH’s front, TOWARDS YARBOROUGH’s back, which was simultaneously blowing TOWARDS the Depository, and simultaneously blowing TOWARDS the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair” behind YARBOROUGH.

"Fact is, as soon as the third shot happened, and
everybody commenced milling around, I thought
it came from the underpass."

(Depository employee and close witness OTIS NEVILLE WILLIAMS, who
stood on the Depository entrance steps nearly directly beneath the
"lone-nut" "snipers lair" that was 55' above his head, quoted
in the book "No More Silence")

"The Presidential vehicle was approximately 200 feet from the underpass when the first shot was fired, followed in quick succession by two more. I would estimate that all three shots were fired within 5 seconds. After the second shot, I looked at the President and witnessed his being struck in the head by the third and last shot."

(11-29-63 report by WILLIAM TIMOTHY “Tim” McINTYRE, Secret Service Agent, describing the audible muzzle blasts and/or bullet bow shock waves that he remembered hearing (or could hear) while he stood and watched the attack from the left side running board of the followup car, approximately 20’ from the President and very close to any bullet trajectories

"I looked towards the top of the terrace to my right as the sound of the shots seemed to come from that direction."

. . . . and . . . .

"There was to me about twice as much time between the first and second shots, as there was between the second and third shots."

(FORREST V. SORRELS, Secret Service Dallas Office Special Agent In Charge, and, another
attack close witness, in his report dated 11-28-63 ((also documented in Warren Commission report-
, volume 21, page 548)) . . . . At the start of the attack, SORRELS car riding location was
just past the close kill zone witnesses of the FRANZEN family, approximately 140' in front of President
KENNEDY, and, importantly, SORRELS was over 330’ away from the Warren Commission-apologists,
supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair,"
but he was exactly even with, and, much, much closer to
~ ~ approximately only 77’ ~ ~ to the long suspected grassy knoll terrace picket
fence corner, that was directly to his right)

“ The last two were closer than the first.

In other words, it was the first, and then a
pause, and then the other two were real close. ”

. . . . then, he chose to drive well west, past the Texas School Book Depository, where he then dismounted his police motorcycle and chose to first run to the grassy knoll, then he did watch.....

“Some of them [close witnesses; my insertion] were pointing
back up to the railroad yard, and
a couple of people were headed
back up that way”

(CLYDE A. HAYGOOD, Dallas motorcycleman, murder-cade escort, and another close attack witness in his Warren Commission testimony.... Interestingly, within the first seconds after the shots ended, HAYGOOD also chose to drive past the Depository, and, instead, he then stopped his motorcycle and chose to immediately run, first, to the grassy knoll)

(about the number of shots that Dealey Plaza witness and United States Army veteran JOSEPH MOLINA remembered hearing (or could hear), and that the last two shots he could hear were bunched much closer together than the first two shots)

“ Of course, the first shot was fired, then there was
an interval between the first and second longer
than the second and third. ”

“ There was a loud bang as though a giant firecracker
had exploded in the caverns between the tall
buildings we were just leaving behind us.  In quick
succession there were two other loud reports. ”

(written in the 11-23-63 New York Times by Associated Press writer, JACK L. BELL,
another close attack witness riding in murder-cade camera car # 1)

“Well, we were just rounding the corner of Market [sic Houston] and Elm, making the left turn, when the first shot rang out.”

. . . . and . . . .

“I heard the shot.  Mrs. Cabell said, ‘Oh, a gun’, or, ‘a shot’, and I was about to deny and say,  ‘Oh, it must be a firecracker,’ when the second and third shots rang out.  There was a longer pause between the first and second shots, than there was between the second and third shots. They were in rather rapid succession.”

(EARLE CABELL, another very close witness, the Dallas Mayor, wanna-be U.S. Senator
or Congressman, and brother to fired-but-refused-to-leave C.I.A. Deputy Director,
General CHARLES PIERRE CABELL ~ whom JFK had fired after the Bay of Pigs ~
whose murder-cade car was close to the Dal-Tex Building and the Depository
at the start of the attack, Warren Commission report-canard, volume 7....CABELL, as
did all the people in his car that was located two cars behind LBJ, and, several other
close witnesses in nearby cars, also, confirmed that the first blast or shock wave
that they remembered hearing (or could hear) was fired when his car was already
into making the 120 degree sweeping left turn from Houston onto Elm, but, in several
key photographic evidences captured after the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, first
shot approximately Z-150, CABELL‘s car is also not, yet, making the turn onto Elm....
wanna-be U.S. Congressman CABELL’s wife, DEARIE, also in the same car,
also commission-testified that upon the first blast or shock wave that she
remembered hearing (or could hear) the Depository southeast corner was directly
in front of their car and she raised her head up and did see
**** a rifle barrel sticking out from the
Depository sixth floor far eastern Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers
window, but in follow-up statements the driver of their car, Texas State
Highway Patrolman MILTON T. WRIGHT (who remembered hearing 3 blasts that
originated from the intersection behind his right side, and, the last 2 were closer
bunched together than the first 2)
, has stated that Mrs. CABELL could not possibly
have seen a rifle barrel because he had turned his head around and he, specifically,
saw her during the shots, and she had already turned her head away from the
Depository, and, she had also, in fact, already slumped her head and body down)

**** several witnesses also did see a rifle barrel sticking out from the Depository
sixth floor far eastern Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, lone-nut snipers lair
window, with one witness, HOWARD LESLIE BRENNAN, saying he watched it fire only
one time.

Another close, weapons-experienced witness, AMOS LEE EUINS, watched a rifle fire
twice.... but.... EUINS also testified that he remembered hearing (or could hear)
an attack total of 4 distinctly separated audible muzzle blasts or mechanically
suppressed-fired bullet bow shock waves
as he stood away from and directly
in front of the Depository and the Dal-Tex Building. (additionally, in his 2011
appearance in the de-bunked "National Geographic Channel" documentary, "The
Lost Bullet," EUINS had changed his number of shots he could hear backwards
to only 3, with the 2nd and 3rd shot he could hear time stamped much closer
together than the 1st and 2nd shot he could hear)

JAMES RICHARD WORRELL was standing a mere 5’ from the Depository’s south face,
nearly directly under the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" "snipers lair"
window ledge that was located less than 56’ directly above his head. Mr. WORRELL
commission-testified that he remembered hearing (or could hear) “his” 1st shot,
then, he looked upwards, directly above himself, at the Depository and in a 5th or 6th
floor window he did see 4" of a rifle barrel and 2" of its wooden stock sticking outward, but,
he could not see a hand on the rifle. Mr. WORRELL watched that rifle fire a 2nd time, then
WORRELL quickly looked at JFK and he thought this 2nd shot was the explosive head
shot. Mr. WORRELL then turned and ran towards the southeast corner of the Depository
and he was still looking upwards when he watched the rifle fire a 3rd time. WORRELL also
testified that after that, while he was still running on the Depository’s east side between
the Depository and the Dal-Tex Building,
he, then, also, remembered hearing (or
could hear) an additional, distinctly separate, 4th shot. Additionally, after Mr.
WORRELL stopped running, he saw a man suddenly dash out of a back door of the
Depository about 3 minutes after the shots.
The man was running very rapidly north,
away from the Depository, had nothing in his hands, and was wearing a dark colored
suit coat or "sporting" jacket.

“we had just turned onto Houston Street when we heard one shot -- pause -- two
shots in rapid succession.”

(DONALD “Clint” C. GRANT, a WWII U.S. Army veteran and 11-22-63 Dallas Morning News photographer
who rode in motorcade camera car # 2, in his letter to Richard Trask, “Pictures of the Pain,” page 398)

Mr. Lovelady: After he had passed and was about 50 yards in front of us, I heard three shots. There was a slight pause after the first shot, then the next two was right close together.


Mr. Ball: Where was the direction of the sound?

Mr. Lovelady: Right there around that concrete little deal on that knoll.

Mr. Ball: That's where it sounded to you?

Mr. Lovelady: Yes, sir; to my right. I was standing as you are going down the steps, I was standing on the right, sounded like it was in that area.

Mr. Ball: From the underpass area?

Mr. Lovelady: Between the underpass and the building right on that knoll.

(BILLY NOLAN LOVELADY, who stood at the Texas School Book
Depository entrance, while his head was 52’ nearly directly below
the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, “lone-nut” “snipers lair,”
with the “concrete little deal” North Pergola, the grassy knoll,
and the triple underpass to his right)

"I heard the shot - the first shot. I thought it was a firecracker. I heard the second shot
and I realized it was a rifle, and then, almost immediately, a third shot."

(JAY SKAGGS, Dealey Plaza witness, in a 2004 “Discovery Channel - History’s
documentary, “JFK: Beyond the Magic Bullet,” when he precisely,
stated as also heard by the Warren Commission-admitted "substantial majority"
of his fellow witnesses, the much closer together bunching of the last 2 audible
blasts or the last 2 bullet bow shock waves that he could hear

“I heard this first noise and Merriman Smith said, ‘What the hell was that?’ And I said, ‘Well, it sounded to me like a firecracker,’ and then, the second shot -- by that time I had noticed that Clint Hill had jumped off the Secret Service follow-up car and was running towards the president's car -- but then I looked up to where the second shot came from and I was looking, of course, at the sixth -- looking up at this building. Now, I cannot say I was looking at the exact location it was coming from. I knew it was coming from above and over my right shoulder.”

. . . . and . . . .

“There was a longer space between the first and second, than between the second and third shots.”

(MALCOLM MAXWELL “Max” KILDUFF, Presidential Assistant
Press Secretary and the Texas trip Acting Press Secretary,
riding in camera car # 1, providing his statements during
his Sixth Floor Museum oral history on 4-16-93, that were
broadcast over ten years later on C-SPAN
.... Also, very
interesting is another key fact that, documented in the films,
Secret Service Agent CLINT HILL did not first jump from the
follow-up car until near Z-308, after which, supporting KILDUFF’s
statements, and, in perfect agreement with a substantial majority
of the witnesses, KILDUFF, then, remembered hearing (or could hear)
2 more very closely bunched audible blasts or bow shock waves)

(Dealey Plaza witness MARYANN MITCHELL, about the number of shots she remembered hearing
(or could hear), and the shots bunched together sequence that, totally contradicts and debunks
the current warrenatti-apologist shots sequence "theory")

“ there were three: the second and third being closer together
than the first and second.


Mr. WEITZMAN: First one, then the second two seemed to be simultaneously.

Mr. BALL: You mean the first, and then there was a pause?

Mr. WEITZMAN: There was a little period in between the second and third shot.

Mr. BALL: What was the longest; between the first and second, or, the second and third shot? Which had the longest time lapse in there?

Mr. WEITZMAN: Between the first and second shot.


[my emphasis]

(WILLIAM “Bill”, “Billy” SEYMOUR WEITZMAN, Dallas Deputy Sheriff, in his Warren Commission testimony (volume 7, page 106), describing for the first times in his testimony the rapidly bunched closer together last 2 blasts and/or bow shock waves that he heard ((or could hear)) of the 3 blasts/shock waves that he heard. Exactly like many other witnesses and weapons experienced witnesses, WEIZMAN first ran to the grassy knoll when he was directed there by other close witnesses who specifically told him that is where shots had been fired from)


One of the pages in our archive reveals that in a dispatch sent about 25 minutes after the
assassination, Mr. Smith reported “Some of the Secret Service agents thought the
gunfire was from an automatic weapon fired to the right rear of the president's
car, probably from a grassy knoll to which police rushed.”

No other news reports or witness interviews are known to contain the phrase “grassy knoll”
at that time. In fact, tapes of local news coverage reveal that “grassy knoll” was later
repeated by a few other reporters for several hours until investigators became convinced
the shots originated from the old Texas School Book Depository. Yet it remains a
historical fact that police and spectators immediately ran to the grassy knoll, not to the
Depository building. And UPI's Merriman Smith reported it first.


(my emphasis)

(“The Man Who Named the Grassy Knoll,” 1995, by GARY MACK, the curator & archivist at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza)

"The first shot, I thought it was a motorcycle backfiring," he said. "I thought Kennedy was just playing, throwing his hands up in the air pretending to protect himself."

(JOHN "Chick" HARVEY TEMPLIN, stated to the "Dallas Morning News," 11-22-00
.... Thank You + Hat Tip

Mr. TEMPLIN detailing for us that he watched and reactions-stamped
((as did many of his additional close co-witnesses)) President
KENNEDY immediately and very quickly react to his being bullet-
impacted with the first audible muzzle blast or the first
"silenced" bullet bow shock N-wave of the 3 shots volleys
that Mr. TEMPLIN remembered hearing
(or could hear). Mr.
TEMPLIN, a longtime very experienced outdoorsman hunter
and fisherman, stated to me that JFK was already 25' to 30'
Mr. TEMPLIN's precise attack location when the very first
audible blast/shock wave he could hear was fired, then JFK
also very rapidly raised both of his arms protectively.
He stated that the second audible blast/shock wave he could
hear hit the president, exploding his head, and, that there
was a third shot that then followed. Mr. TEMPLIN is
documented in the ZAPRUDER film and additional films and
photos watching the attack while standing at the Elm Street
sidewalk north curb, immediately to the left of his friend,
ERNEST CARL BRANDT, another very close co-witness)

" President Kennedy had just looked in their direction and waved when she heard a rifle shot. Shortly thereafter, she heard another rifle shot and then a third. "

(Mrs. RUTH HILLIARD DEAN, Depository employee and close Dealey Plaza witness who stood on the Depository
front steps directly beneath the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair," in her F.B.I.
statement dated 11-25-63 detailing, as did many close witnesses, the specific and important time stamping that
President KENNEDY was already in the act of his final wave that started after Z-171 (and, importantly,
while he was hidden underneath the large tree and out of the targeting-view by **anyone**
in the Warren Commission-apologists, supposed, "lone-nut" “snipers lair”) when the first shot
was fired that Mrs. DEAN remembered hearing (or could hear).

" As I mentioned before, the sound, I thought it was
a backfire in the cavalcade from down the hill;
down the hill toward the underpass...."

(Assassination witness JAMES N. CRAWFORD in his testimony to the Warren Commission about the first
shot he could hear .... Mr. CRAWFORD stood at the southeast corner of Houston and Elm streets,
approximately 104' east of the Texas School Book Depository .... Despite his location well east of
the Depository, he testified that the 3 shots that he could hear were fired from west of
the Depository, "down the hill toward the underpass"
.... Importantly, "down the hill toward the underpass" was lower than Mr. CRAWFORD's ears, while the
Depository's sixth floor, far southeastern window was at an approximately 62 degrees different
angle to his right, and, 56' above his ears .... Mr. CRAWFORD further testified in detail that
the yellow Secret Service car (the vice presidential Secret Service follow-up car, behind LBJ's car,
in which Secret Service Agent WARREN “Woody” W. TAYLOR was riding)
"had already gone around the corner,"
solidly supporting Agent TAYLOR's statement that TAYLOR's car, behind LBJ's car, had already gone around
the corner from Houston and completed his turn onto Elm Street when the first shot he could hear was
fired. (the current Warren Commission theory mandates that LBJ's car AND Agent TAYLOR's
follow-up cars were BOTH located just before their left turns off Houston Street, directly in
front of Mr. CRAWFORD,
when the first "lone-nut" shot was fired)
.... Additionally, Mr. CRAWFORD
testified that after he heard the first and second shots, the third shot, "followed very quickly" ....
After hearing the third shot he was looking around the plaza then looked up and caught a fleeting
glimpse of human movement in the Depository's sixth floor, far southeastern window)

.... "Mrs. MOONEYHAM heard a gunshot and observed President KENNEDY slump to the left of the seat of the car. At the time of the initial shot, Mrs. MOONEYHAM believed that a firecracker had gone off. Following the first shot, there was a slight pause and then two more shots were discharged, the second and third shots sounding closer together."

(my emphasis)

(Warren Commission exhibit 2098. Dealey Plaza assassination witness
LILLIAN MOONEYHAM who watched from the second floor of the
Dallas County Courts Building)

"I looked and saw the president, I thought, duck. Evidently, he was slumping at the time."

(PIERCE MORRISS ALLMAN, Dallas "WFAA" reporter and very close Dealey Plaza witness, stated
11-22-63 very shortly after the assassination when ALLMAN was recorded (at the
5 minutes, 45 seconds mark)
that he remembered hearing (or could hear)
3 shots, and that President KENNEDY was already displaying his instantaneous reaction
to his already being bullet impacted
when ALLMAN heard the first shot he could hear and
ALLMAN immediately looked at JFK)

...."Well, when the first shot; I was looking at the President when the first
shot was fired, and I thought I saw him slump down, but I am not
sure, and I didn't look any more then. I thought he was ducking then."

(Dallas Patrolman WELCOME EUGENE BARNETT who stood at the Texas School Book Depository side of the Houston-to-Elm Street intersection. Patrolman BARNETT's volume 7, page 541 Warren Commission testimony supports (as does also many of his Dealey Plaza co-witnesses) his observation that President KENNEDY was impacted with the first audible blast or bullet bow shock wave of the 3 that Patrolman BARNETT remembered hearing (or could hear), and, that KENNEDY reacted immediately to his also being impacted.... In a 2013 interview Patrolman BARNETT also detailed to me that right after the first audible blast or first "silenced" bullet shock wave that he remembered hearing (or *could* hear), "I looked at the president and saw both of his arms come on up, very quickly, towards his neck." ((as Patrolman BARNETT and many other witnesses also watched JFK first raised his entire right arm upwards and off of the limousine's side in the Z-190's, then, he snapped his head approximately 90 degrees leftward within a very rapid 0.16 second from Z-203 to 206, then, he followed his right arm raising-up and head snap when he raised his left arm higher towards his neck starting at precisely Z-224 to 225, afterwhich he slumped his torso leftward and downward)) .... Exactly as he Warren Commission-testified, Patrolman BARNETT also confirmed to me that he did not hear any echoes from any shot, even though he was standing 39' from the Depository's south face)


"Close Attack Witness JUNE DISHONG
Details President KENNEDY Passing
Only 20' from Her at
Zapruder Film Frame 222" ....

Close attack witness Mrs. JUNE DISHONG keenly watched from her Elm Street north curb exact location when President KENNEDY passed his closest to her and she heard the first of 3 "shots" (albeit audible muzzle blasts, and/or, mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock waves, and/or, the first of 3 volleys of very closely-bunched "canyon" shots) that she remembered hearing (or could hear) at approximately when President KENNEDY was his most closest to her. She also watched the President immediately, very quickly react to his being impacted with the same first audible blast or "silenced" bullet bow shock wave that DISHONG remembered hearing (or could hear). All day on 11-22-63 Mrs. DISHONG hand wrote into her portable journal for us her very vivid observations, including her very detailed, salient attack observations, when Mrs. DISHONG heard the first of her remembered 3 blasts or bow shock waves precisely when President KENNEDY was his exact closest to her, at only 17' away. Even though she was a normally very gregarious, very talkative person with her Family, Loved Ones, and her friends, her daughter expressed to me that JUNE almost never spoke of her being a very close witness to President KENNEDY’s shooting because it greatly saddened her for the rest of her life. Shortly after Mrs. DISHONG passed-on, her daughter discovered her Mother's 11-22-63 hand written, detailed observations in her journal. After speaking with her daughter, she agreed to provide me with Xeroxes of the 10 pages of the observations her Mother wrote starting early on the morning of 11-22-63 (with my help, her journal has now been donated to and can be viewed online at the following "Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza" webpage. I have also provided a transcript of it for you, here). Read the detailed, moving words of the woman, forever documented in the ZAPRUDER film as the 4th woman seen to the left of the "Stemmons" freeway sign, as President KENNEDY is first bullet impacted (not necessarily when he was first shot at) and President KENNEDY immediately instantaneously reacted to his being impacted, when the President passed very, very close to Mrs. DISHONG.

When I personally contacted, interviewed in detail, and asked the close assassination witness, Dr. ANTOINETTE “Toni” GAIL GLOVER, if she could still see and watch President KENNEDY and the presidential limousine when the first shot that she remembered hearing (or, the first shot that she could hear) was fired, Dr. GLOVER first replied in very time stamping detail that also, very importantly, specifically, pinpoints President KENNEDY's location at her first heard shot....

“ There is a column in the plaza that blocked my view
for a second.
I think the first shot was when my view
was blocked. ”

Dr. GLOVER’s very simple, straightforward, and very detailed statement above further strongly supports and synchronizes with the clear majority of the many key, close witnesses, and, the key, close weapons-experienced witnesses....

Dr. GLOVER stood elevated up on a cement pedestal that surrounds the North Reflecting Pool lower wall. Her precise location is photo-grammatically determined for my following scaled, accurate Dealey Plaza map with easily seeing her and her location in the films captured by ROBERT HUGHES.... MARK BELL.... and ELSIE DORMAN while Dr. GLOVER, wearing her turquoise-blue jacket, was standing up on what is now, and forever, known as “Glover’s pedestal.”

click here to enlarge the map in a followup window

Very, very significant, and exactly as Dr. GLOVER stated to me in her detailed assassination observations, as documented on the above precisely scaled map, President KENNEDY was first blocked out of her view when the pyracantha tree foliage first started to block JFK from her view at Z-174 to 175. That same Z-174 to 175 instant is when Dr. GLOVER’s view of JFK was first blocked out of her view because of the pyracantha tree foliage edge. That pyracantha tree is labeled “TGt-1” on my scaled map. That same pyracantha tree is also seen in the ZAPRUDER and other films and photos, and it is located a few feet west of the large, tall, five-sided cement column that also blocked Dr. GLOVER’s view of the President.

If the pyracantha tree did  not  first block her view of JFK at that instant (exactly as Dr. GLOVER stated), about one-third of a second after the pyracantha tree first blocked her view then the nearby, same tall column’s north, pointed side would have definitely first blocked President KENNEDY from her view at  Z-180 to 181. (labeled “TGc-1” for her line-of-sight on my DP map)

Then, as Dr. GLOVER stated, President KENNEDY would have become visible to her, again, just past the south side of the tall column, when the President was located at  Z-217 to 218 (labeled “TGc-2” for her line-of-sight on my DP map)

Employing the standard AVERAGE running time of the Zapruder film of 18.3 frames-per-second,  JFK would have been out of Dr. GLOVER’s view for exactly 2.3 seconds  (if it was the pyracantha tree first blocked JFK from her view),  or, for  2.0 seconds (if it was the column that first blocked JFK from her view)

I will also say that Dr. GLOVER’s key timing of the first shot that she heard (or *could* hear) that was fired between Z-174 and 218 is right in line with many of the close witnesses and close weapons-experienced witnesses who stated that the happily smiling President, first, had started his waving at Z-170 to 171),  and after he had first started waving,  it was THEN that the first shot they remembered hearing (or *could* hear) was fired and President KENNEDY immediately, dramatically, physically quickly reacted to it impacting him by ultra-rapidly snapping his head 87-degrees from right to left at Z-203 to 206, then, shaking his head, raising his arms/hands, and then facing back towards and settling into leaning forward and towards his wife before his head first exploded. (which Dr. GLOVER also watched happen, describing it as, “From my perspective, the plume of brains and blood sparkled a little in the Texas sun. I told my mom someone threw sparklers in the car!!!!”)

. . . . Additionally, while speaking with Dr. GLOVER I nearly immediately had a sense about something with respect to her that after our first of many conversations I then checked several times to confirm and positively make sure.... Dr. GLOVER was absolutely thrilled when I shared with her my discovery that she had never known about that her turquoise-blue coated shoulder, arm, and hand are also actually visible in several frames of the ZAPRUDER film, in the exact location she stated to me where she was standing during the attack!

DR. TONI GLOVER's view of President KENNEDY blocked by a tall column when she could hear a blast/shock wave

. . . . And again, as with many witnesses who were actually there, Dr. GLOVER not being
able to see President KENNEDY from Z-180 to 218, = when she heard an audible
muzzle blast or mechanically suppressed-fired bullet bow shock N-wave =
is in
very stark contradiction to the Warren Commission "lone-nut"-apologists,
current, revised lone-nut, supposed, theory
that mandates the "lone-
nut" first shot (fired into a close by tree) at Z-150 to Z-160
(before the tree hid JFK from the "lone-nut") . . . .....

" First of three shots fired, at which time I saw the President lean toward Mrs. Kennedy. I do not know if it was the next shot or third shot that hit the President in the head, but I saw what appeared to be a small explosion on the right side of the President's head, saw blood, at which time the President fell further to his left. "

. . . . and . . . .

" When I turned around to wave the Vice President's car to come closer, at same time, trying to determine where shots had come from, I said, pointing to SA McIntyre, 'They got him, they got him,' . . . . "

(EMORY ROBERTS, Dallas motorcade Secret Service Shift Leader, who rode just 20' directly
behind President KENNEDY during the attack, in his 11-29-63 Secret Service report)


Mr. ROBERTS very close description of the
President’s instantaneous bullet impact reaction
to the first shot that ROBERTS remembered hearing
(or that he could hear) is what is also documented in the
ZAPRUDER film, also showing the President’s first bullet impact
immediate reactions at Z-190 to 240 when he snaps his head towards
Mrs. KENNEDY, then raised his arms and leaned towards his wife.

"The nurse dropped one of John's gold cuff links, made with a Mexican Peso, into my hand. The other had been shot off."

(NELLIE CONNALLY, in her book, "From Love Field" . . . . CONNALLY's shot off Mexican Peso shirt sleeve cuff link, and the many key forensic considerations and implications of CONNALLY’s gold cuff link being struck and shot off by an assassination bullet has “accidentally” vanished, ((or was deliberately vanished)) as have several other key physical forensic evidence pieces, out of the Warren Commission "lone-nut," government-controlled evidence)

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